Monday, January 24, 2022

LITERARY: "Writing Style" by: Aaliyah Van T. Pineda

Classification: Prose

Theme: Literature

Synopsis: I will be explaining my way of writing stories, and how I get my ideas for them.


My way of writing differs from what kind of story I'm writing. All of my short stories come from my actual original book stories, the majority of which take place in the United Kingdom. Because of this, I use British English instead of American. I make sure that my sentences are much more formal and fancy. Before writing these stories, I researched British speech, vocabulary, and phrases. Sometimes I forget which word to use, so I end up just re-wording the entire sentence to make it sound more "British". I also studied the culture of the country for extra detail. But sometimes I get a bit anxious because I fear that what I wrote doesn't sound like what English people would say.

 I use Wattpad and Grammarly on my laptop to write my stories. I put the text in bold whenever a character is speaking in real-time because it won't confuse some. I get my ideas from movies and anime (I watch too many of them). On some days, original ideas pop up randomly in my head. But I tend to forget about those ideas after a few days because I never write them down. Ironically, I'm a passionate writer, yet I hate writing on actual paper, and I don't read any books (at least not one I already read). I lose interest in a book after reading about two-hundred pages. Then I end up not reading the said book anymore. Don't get me wrong, I love stories, and I appreciate the benefits of reading a good book. But I prefer to indulge in literature in more visual, cinematic, and modern ways, such as watching movies and various plays.

I have no way to form or create an original story because I tried to AVOID making another story in the first place. I'm the type of writer who writes another book, even if my last one is FAR from complete. As of now, I'm writing three stories at the same time. I'm not so sure if I'll pursue my talent for literature in the future as a career because I see it more as a talent than a profession. But for now, I genuinely enjoy writing books and stories and would pursue it if I don't have any other options in the future.

Published by: Aliyah Margareth C. Imbat
Date Published: January 24, 2022 
Time Published: 10:01 PM

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