Tuesday, January 25, 2022

LITERARY: "Ten Years From Now" by: Arashel Mei Cinco


Classification: Prose

Theme: The future

Synopsis: Almost everyone has heard or thought of this question that might’ve been difficult to answer. Where do you see yourself in a few years?


“Ten years from now, where do you see yourself?”

A question that I always encounter. A question that I never found a ‘good’ answer to, if I ever found one. A question that I don’t know how to answer confidently because I don’t even know what I’ll be doing tonight.

Because all I know is that ten seconds from now, I’ll still be thinking of this question. Ten minutes from now, I’ll be done getting ready for work and leaving for it. And ten hours from now, I’ll face the mirror again, readying myself for bed.

Hopefully, ten days from now, I’ll quit this dreadful position. Ten weeks from now, I’ll move to a better place. Ten months from now, I’ll be in a new home, happier, with a better job, and maybe life will finally slow down to a better place.

But I know ten years from now, these thoughts wouldn’t matter. Ten years from now, I would’ve forgotten about this. Ten years from now, I’ll find myself being asked the same question; “Ten years from now, where do you see yourself?” and my answer will be the same as always; the same answer I have today.

Published by: Aliyah Margareth C. Imbat
Date Published: January 25, 2022 
Time Published: 12:29 PM

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