Wednesday, February 23, 2022

LITERARY: "Love of Tomorrow" by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez

Category: Prose

Theme: Moving-on

Synopsis: A woman fell in love with her CEO. Everything was fine until the both of them had a little misunderstanding, causing them to separate. They had such a beautiful relationship. Sadly, it failed in the end.


It was a busy day in New York. I was in a rush as I was an hour late for my interview. Out of the blue, I ran into a man that one could ever imagine. He looked so attractive yet he seemed so unreal. After I made eye contact with him, I Suddenly remembered that I was late for my interview. I quickly ran as fast as I could. Luckily, the staff accepted me and let me proceed to my interview. Just as I stepped foot into the room, I was stunned to see the man I ran into. I never knew that he was the CEO of the company. 

"Come and have a seat. I personally asked for you," he told me. I nodded yes as I sat down. We talked for a bit and, luckily, I got accepted as his new secretary. I was set to work with him two days after. 

After two days of excitement, I was able to go to work. I was jolly to receive my title. Just a minute later, when I went to work, I started feeling anxious. I made many wrongs and, some of the staff looked down on me. I never thought it would be that hard. The CEO suddenly came to me and said, "I know the first days can be difficult. Let me help you." I was his secretary. I should've been the one helping him. Instead, he went and fixed my troubles. I was starting to look down on myself, too. 

Months passed; I was beginning to get the hang of working in the company. Things were going smoothly, not until I developed an interest in the CEO. 

It was my first time falling in love. I didn’t know what to do. I always wondered why he was so nice towards me compared to the other workers. Does he perhaps have an interest in me too? There was only one way to find out. 

I needed to tell him how I feel but, I didn’t know how. I was starting to act nervous around him. Is that how it felt to love someone? 

Just three days later, I was astonished to see a bouquet lying on my doorstep. My heart started to pound rapidly as I saw who it was from. It was from the CEO. There was a sign hidden in the flowers that said, "Look outside." My eyes widened as I ran to my window. I saw the CEO holding a massive piece of paper saying, "Will you go out with me?" I panicked as I rush outside. I let out a big smile then shouted yes.

I was happy to know there would be a man for me. It was already a year since we started dating. I must say, I was living quite a pleasing life with him. We would drink coffee while watching the sunset every day. Everything was good until he suddenly disappeared. If he adored me so much, why did he disappear?

I tried to look for him but, he was nowhere to be found. One night, someone knocked on my door. I was surprised to see my lover that disappeared for such a long time. "Forgive me but, I can no longer share the same feelings towards you. It would be best if we break up," he told me with a frown. "Sure," I replied as I slammed my door shut in front of his face. What wrong did I do for him to lose interest in me? I wanted to know why. We were doing just fine a week ago. Everything was too sudden. 

I resigned from my job in his company. I wanted to get away from him. I wanted to forget him. I went inside a small café, trying to reminisce about our good times. Frankly, It was good while it lasted. But I guess there are things that we need to let go of. While I drank my coffee, I noticed a beautiful sunset. I suddenly remembered how the both of us drank coffee while adoring the lovely sunset. I guess I have to drink coffee without him now.

I wanted to forget him but, I just can't. Even though we're apart, I'm still thinking about him every day. I found it hard to move on. We shared wonderful memories, why did he have to end it? It was the first time I had something to lose.

Sometimes, I wonder if he still thinks about our joyful memories when we were still together. Even though we didn't last being together, meeting him was a good thing. I get to know what's it like to love and to be loved. Everything was fine and I was close to accepting that he doesn't love me anymore. But one day, I saw something that shattered my heart into pieces. 

I saw my lover with another woman. Worst than that, he had his own family while going out with me. Why exactly did he even date me? I never knew why. I needed an explanation. 

I was so hurt that I packed my bags and left the country in an instant. I couldn't take it anymore. Anger was flowing through my whole body. 

Soon, I reached my destination. It had been three months since I left the country I used to live in. I was soon settled in a new apartment and found a new job. Everything was going smoothly. I had no distractions, and I was able to live the life I wanted.

I was such in a good mood that I bought a tremendous amount of alcohol for me to drink. I turned on loud music, and danced till dawn. "Tonight is the night where I'm going to forget you. I'm going to move on. I'm going to drink all the alcohol on the table as I dance my problems away. Maybe, I'm better off without you,” I whispered as I think about my past lover. The good times with him were over and I was ready to forget him.

Published by: Lloyd Agbulos 

Date published: February 23, 2022

Time published: 1:25 PM

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