Sunday, February 13, 2022

LITERARY: "Survival of Love: A Poetry Collection" by The Spiracle Poets

“Cliché” by Daniel Garcia

I'm not Romeo, and you're not Juliet.

I'm the bear, and you're my honey.

Together, we are inseparable.


No mountain can be as high as my love for you,

Nor any ocean as wide as my love for you.

No one can compete with what I feel for you.


You're the sunshine in my eyes,

The soul of my body.

I love you with every limb of my body.


Through thick and thin,

In sickness and in health.

Until death do us part, I'll be with you.

“Golden Scenery” by Axel Adame

A golden scenery,

Plastering on your face.

Asking if you love me,

How about our fate?


How can I hide this still?

If your mere smile is my kryptonite.

What are you going to feel?

Saying among all, you're the loveliest sight.


A golden scenery,

We're both looking at.

Singing the soft melody,

Asking myself many buts.


When I'm with you, it's not just butterflies,

But a whole zoo in my stomach.

When I'm with you, my eyes—

Will always be fixated on you even much.


Fooling myself with the truth.

My friend, this feeling is inevitable.

For you, I don't want to lose—

Because you are my golden scenery.

“Masterpiece” by Juzmine Rein R. Iguid

I can see the reflection of the dazzling stars in your eyes,

No wonder you are wanted by these other guys.

The feelings that I have for you are as clear as the skies,

You are an angel in disguise.


When I'm in your arms, I know I'm in my safe haven.

And for that, I'll make sure you're safe with me and nothing unwanted will happen.

Oh, baby, I'm in heaven.

Since I’ve been locked up in your love, I haven't wanted to go anywhere.


You, my dear, are the colors that fill up my day.

I'm like a blank page, and you put various kinds of creativity in me that I can't explain.

Wherever you are, I'll go with you.

And we will travel, and together we will grow.


I am now a masterpiece, my love.

And I am now a masterpiece because you're an artist filled with love.

 “My Eyes and Your Eyes Met” by Zoe Alacar

I never thought I could meet,

The man who’d mean the whole world to me.


Did you remember the days,

When we strolled around and gazed

On the clouds that our Creator made?

Darling, that’s when I knew—

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.


I loved the view of seeing your face every morning.

The smell of fresh dew,

Always reminded me of you.

It gave me joy that you chose me.

Out of all of them, you saw me.


The day I never expected,

That I’d call you my love and my home.

You were the one I ran to—

The key to this heart of stone.


Living life was like bliss,

As long as you were right beside me,

There wasn't a day I wouldn’t miss.


My love, my life until the end.

“The Fallen” by Lorraine D. Villete

In the crowded, hustling streets of Tokyo;

Divided between power, and poverty;


There you and I,

Through different locations; but in the same world,

We were born.


We were honored, both you and I.

We shared equal things in this world;

From both of our obnoxious quirks,

Intellect in every aspect of the battle we faced,

Down to the amount of trust we possessed within each other.


In this mask, a hidden real man you should've known;

I was no God, merely just the same as you.

We were both humans.

After all,

Born in the same place—gifted with such power,

Yet what I didn't know was that I lacked the comprehension of yours in all things.


I was unable to fathom the good and evil in between.

The harsh denial stage I was set up with;

You and I, whom I thought was the same;

Then, I faced you with a raised hand as you walked away from me.

Set to finish the wickedness;

But instead; had set you free.


The bittersweet air of an abandoned alleyway in Tokyo; 

Never had I thought it would go down to this,

In a pool of unwanted crimson,

There was the man with all that I could ever want;

You, who was a monster so cruel,

The same you, whom I would proudly describe to those who dared think otherwise—


You, my one and only.

Born into the same cruel world.

Different status and beliefs.

One honored; one fallen from grace.

But equally, until the bitter end,

Held the same trust.


Both men until the end,

One who got to live; the other with a smile so sweet at the brink of death.

Both of whom never had the chance to proclaim their love,

All because we were different from the start. 

“Arki” by Dane Navarro

Cupid did not fail to do his job two years ago.

It was the time that the blurry scenario of ours—

turned into a high definition of 1080.

It was clear, genuine, real, and concise.


The Arki finally put his creative juices—

To a black piece that had my initials in it,

An envelope that was full of hope and promises;

I was able to keep the penmanship, cursive, and script.

Yet unlike Cupid, I failed to keep the Arki.


We all romanticized self-love,

but choosing ourselves was not a great deal at all.

It could make us regret things.


And if fate was already on our side,

Either love could wait, or love made time;

I'd always choose to wait and to make time. 

“The Honored” by Lorraine D. Villete

What creature could you be to be so enticing yet mystified?

Built with out-of-this-world features,

Eyes so blue; on par with the ocean itself.

But if I were given a chance to voice it out;

I'd say, "You were more than beautiful."


With hair snowy white, you were unrealistic;

The way I saw myself beside you was my biggest mystery.

How did it end up like this?

With your hand that tightly gripped mine everywhere.


Reckless—didn't care for anyone;

No sense of value—always stood by his rights.

If anyone were given the chance to describe you;

They'd say how distasteful you were.


The voice inside my head spoke as I let out a boisterous cackle;

My fate had been sealed the moment my heart took control,

They were right about you being so horrible,

But was it so bad to say that those were the very reasons why I loved you?


You and I, there was no denying it.

We were the same; we were each other's person.

But forbidden by the way things were; judgement, brutality, and cruelty.

Those words would never be heard by you.


You know me better than myself;

There was no need to justify my wrongdoings when you knew more,

I had longed to wipe those salty waters from your baby blues;

Knowing that I was the cause of those.


I only wished you knew two things as I sat there, nearing the end.

So beautiful, you stood there—please never ruin your precious eyes with tears.

One was lying when I said I could not smile and live in this life given to me;

For the last time before I enter eternal slumber—


You made me smile;

With my name that rolled so perfectly from your glossy lips,

I was glad you'd the one finish me—honored one;

For my second and last thought, that in the next life, if I were given a chance to say it,


"The world is cruel, yet I still love you." 

“Red Scarf ” by Lorraine D. Villete

There was no such thing as what they called, "Red String of Fate."

With somber eyes, gazing out the gloomy outdoors;

When was the last time it wasn't raining?


Perhaps heavens felt my sorrow that they sobbed for me;

A woman who had lost it all,

Here now, in this old, abandoned cabin—



Would they say she was lucky to live,

Or would they pity her for the deceased man she outlived?


With small squeaks from the wooden floor;

Out she was gone, not an umbrella or anything with her.

Just out she was gone, bathed in the soft tears from above.


Small children from afar, the polar opposite to her situation;

Both laughed as they bathed in the rain;

No weather could ever be gloomy as long as you made it through somehow, right?


In the field of the glowing campanulas, they ran—

Reaching the old, oak tree for shelter.

Though distant giggled, the woman could still hear their delight;

One's she wished to have once again.


What lovely children—eyes filled with swarming adoration for each other.


"That used to be us."

Finally, she spoke with a hint of raspiness.

Cracked, cold headstone on the ground;

Met with eyes that could pierce through it as it taunted them with the engraved initials;

Initials of he who was no longer to be spoken of.


As the clap of thunder barely startled the grieving lady,

Hooked her finger on the loop side of the scarf, then wrapped so religiously around her neck;

The last bit she'd ever have of him,

Not last words or anything—just a scarf.


"I don't believe this."

Red scarf—from him to her.

And as if by cue, it began pouring.

"Once upon a time."

If we had chosen otherwise;

We could've been those children again.


But our story ended,

When we chose to be silent;

To love one another, but to never know.


“Love Without Fear” by Jasmine Fiona Sanchez

Quiet affection kept behind closed doors—

The poets had tried to keep us a secret,

While the damnation of hell

Continued to gnaw off my right ear

As it chanted again and again and again:


Though, at the very least,

The words coiled together

And dissolved into thin air

Whenever you were near.


(Quickly, now! Kiss me!

While God still had his back turned around.

Tomorrow, we'd have to pretend

That we did not know of love

So He could keep on looking after us.)


Shielded affection, birthed under the protection of leaves—

Beneath the shade of a sturdy oak tree,

Molded from our own memories,

With our hands settled across our thighs.

I had wondered what was so wrong,

For wanting our love to be bared;

For looking at a girl the same way,

A wife longed for a husband.

It was still love, after all—

Your touch that lingered in the pocket of my dress,

My eyes looked at the shape of your lips for too long.


(Forgive me, for they were merely an instrument

To the imperishable want residing in my stomach.

Forgive me, for I was selfish enough

to experience hell

If it meant I could continue wanting you.)


Brilliant affection knocked on my window—

My eyes began to blur from your luminance.

Perhaps it had been a punishment,

For glancing at you in the first place.

But you kept on sprinkling imprints;

All over my skin,

And that, that part of you—

That part of love,

And that part of loneliness,

Still stayed;

Long after my mother had told me

That we'd be burned into ashes

If I wouldn't remain untempt

To the devil's advances.


(And I shall pray to the God my mother loved,

I shall ask Him for His lenience and your protection,

But I will not ask for mine.

For even if He stops loving me for my sins,

I will never stop loving you.)


“In Cahoots with Satan” by Erica G. Ildefonso

Your eyes will remain

A conundrum to me.

How they flicker gleams

Into my gloomy days.

Yet, they themselves,

Are incantations of melancholy.


Abetting the birth

Of thousand butterflies,

I will let you hold my hand still;

In comfort.

In profoundness

Of heart, warm and beating.


And your lips,

Always carved into submission,

Fibs I have tasted

But never lies:

For we are Wiccans,

Plighting our troth.


Your bosoms, nurtured by spirits;

And your mound, crafted by the gods;

Sprinkle verve into my desiccated lands,

Whenever we collapse into one.

Gone are the days,

Wizened and old.


But confound it!

Confound the Malleus Maleficarum.

Confound the man;

Who hanged our sisters,

Who burned our sisters,

Who drowned our sisters!


Their eyes are a reflection

Of spite and ignorance.

Their hands are instruments,

For tying us to Corda,

For their hearts brimmed nothing,

But mere haughtiness to women.


You ask me now,

“How can thou feel me

When our skins are pricked with bodkins?

How can thou love me

When our mouths are fastened with branks?”


But, darling let me say,

I love you even more;

Despite the jolting pain,

And their virulent diatribes—

I love you even more;

In our warmth never illusive.

In our pact never faltering.


—Let’s meet again in another life.


“Philautia” by Lorraine D. Villete

Even with a past so dark and so disturbing,

There was still someone beneath those ruins.

Though many knew how impulsive their actions could be;

There was still the gentleness of all that was gentle within that.


Perfect human beings were made up of flaws—

That was how it was in words.

But you, you had many flaws that were unable to be hidden from this world.


It had disrupted people—made them treat you at your lowest.

It was unloved; no person in their right mind would want to see you.


You weren't the piece the world wanted;

But you were someone that was needed for greater things.


Despite all of the chaotic things you have gone through—

You were still that girl who was capable of all things;

Capable of being loved and giving love.


Through these lines, I wrote a confession—

One you may never come to accept;

Yes, you were imperfect,

But regardless of that, it was not the reason why I had been captivated.


I needed not a mirror to define your features;

Nor a gossip from one person to another—

They would never know who you truly were through treacherous lies,

There was no need for the goal of being "perfect."


The very bit of your existence in my life was enough;

To be enamored and explore every bit of you—


No walls to block, no lies to hide.

Just bask in the vulnerability of you.

The 'you' that I would forever love.


“Engraved Hearts” by Juliana Agbulos

It was neither forced nor coaxed.

It was always unsolicited,

And could make you gaze at the heavens in bewilderment.

I once thought that it would only make you live in a world of make-believe,

Just like what Austen and Brontë did.

But the moment I heard the doves warbling,

I swiftly knew that I was almost home.

Thou drowned me in thy warmth under the moonlight,

While I painted thee with colors I never knew existed.

The embers of a galaxy in thine eyes,

Wordlessly spoke the deepest darkness;

And divulged the beguiling Albiorix living in thy soul.

With thee, I didn't have to hide the thorns in my roses,

And that was the most beautiful memory of our story.


“The Great King Alas and the Gorgeous King of Poetry” by Darein Catchillar 

If I'm a shotten poet, mourning for any meeds;

Being tormented by my reflection's alack;

Being amerced by my cruel head;

Like a shackled hummingbird unable to fly across the hazy sky;

How do I make your eyes glisten as though you're graciously loving me?


If you are as lovely as the white daisies in a field full of comfort;

Being one with the wind that does not mammer to slip around the sharps of ours;

Being enclosed by the dearly wonders of each bee that plays around your head;

Like a subject of a conversation that does not pall to shame or any burdens;

Why can't I make fleshment from my lips that offer to kiss yours?


Nothing pleases me but a picture of your smile.

When we think love is not around,

I know it is around.

And you can love me even when I'm gone,

But I'll always be around.


Nothing will make me happier than to set foot on your humble land.

When I think it's not enough,

You'll say it is enough.

And I'll love you when you're gone,

But know that we're just around.


This hap in the soil of our feet,

And the setting of the sun when the moon comes around.

I know you'll hide away your love from me,

But bate me to have a glimpse of your artistic soul.

Your vessel will always loof coming back to me.


And we'll always love each other, even when we're down.

Indue us when splendor isn't present.

We'll be our own oasis of tranquillity.

When we are at a loss for words to say,

Don't ever think I'm not around.


Nobody has ever seen a jocund beauty like yours.

It's almost as though we're cold and we're each other's warmth;

And if this is it, you may have my palace.

And you'll be known as the Great King Alas.

There will be no queen alongside you, only the Gorgeous King of Poetry.


If this love is too poetic to flow right through our hands;

Being dupped by its sincerity and dedication;

Being sanctified by our twilled and veiled loving skins;

Like how we cover our chests with clean garments;

What's the great deal with your phantom if it's not coexisting with mine?

Published by: Lloyd Agbulos
Date published: February 13, 2022
Time published: 11:59 AM

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