Wednesday, March 23, 2022

LITERARY: "Experimental Cyborg" by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez

Published by: Euleen Summer Garchitorena

Date Published: March 23, 2022

Time Published: 5:50 pm

Category: Prose

Theme: Sci-fi   

Synopsis: Samantha, the daughter of two famous billionaires were being targeted by scientists. The scientists created a new drug that could make humans live immortal however, they will forever live like a robot. 


Chapter 1: One Last Ordinary Day


One peaceful morning, "AAAHH! I'm late for school!" A teenage girl screamed with her makeup all over her face. That teenage girl was named Samantha, the most popular girl in school. She was the only daughter of two famous billionaires. She got quite a leisure life but, she lacks affection. 

Samantha was always left with the maids ever since she was little. Her parents were always busy so, she felt lonely. Love was the only thing her parents couldn't give.

As she arrived at school, she felt relieved. "Thank goodness I made it in time for my first class!" She said. As she got inside the classroom, she sat down on an empty seat next to a window. "Oh, how nice is the weather," Samantha looked to the window. As she admired the weather, she noticed a man dressed in a black suit with black sunglasses looking directly at her. She thought that maybe it was only a coincidence so she didn't worry about it. 

Hours passed; school was over. As she was talking to her friend, her driver came to pick her up. "Oh, my driver is here. See you tomorrow!" She said as she went inside the car. "I'm so exhausted," she said as she saw the man in a black suit outside the window again. She kept thinking that it was a coincidence but, it wasn’t.

Soon, Samantha reached her house. She went straight to her room with tiring eyes. "All I want to do now is sleep," weary Samantha said while lying on her bed.

The next morning, she saw the man again. She became a little uncomfortable since it happened more than twice. "Samantha!" Her best friend shouted. Seeing her best friend made her at least, a little safe. 

While Samantha was in class, she began having thoughts about the man she saw. "Was the man watching me from the beginning?" She pondered. And before she knew it, the school was already finished. 

She went to a café for a study group after. "Samantha! What's happening to you? You've been dozing off lately," one of Samantha's friends said. "Gosh, you startled me!" Samantha widened her eyes. "I'm getting thirsty. I'm gonna order a drink, be right back!" She said as she stood up. While she was ordering a drink, she saw the man in a black suit. He suddenly took off his sunglasses. "It's the man that kept watching me," Samantha muttered as she slowly glanced at him. "What…? Lucas?!" She shrieked as she saw the man without sunglasses. 

"Oh, Samantha! What a coincidence!" Lucas said. Lucas was Samantha's past lover. "Surely enough, this isn't a coincidence," Samantha said in her mind. "He might be plotting something against me!" She added. Samantha hurried to her friends and said, "Let's go! I don’t like this place," she said. "I need to get away from him. If I recall, my memories with Lucas were awful." She said while walking. 

"I need to get closer to her. I wouldn’t want to disappoint professor," Lucas mumbled. 

In the twinkling of an eye, it was already nightfall. "Look how fast the time is! I'm gonna go home. Bye, everyone!" Samantha yelled to her friends. Soon, she arrived at her house. She felt uncomfortable the moment she realized that she was being watched by none other than her ex, Lucas. "I wonder where he's watching me now," she said while trying to sleep. 

The next day, she went to do her usual routine. As she went to school, she was stunned to see Lucas strolling down the school corridors. While she was in class, her teacher introduced a new student. "Everyone, we have a new student, Lucas. He will be staying with us for the whole semester." She told the students. 

As Lucas was standing in front of the class, he looked directly at Samantha with a smiling face. "What's he up to now?" Samantha pouted. Unfortunately, there was an empty seat next to Samantha. Lucas quickly sat next to her. "Hey, Samantha!" He spoke. Samantha ignored him and continued to listen to the teacher. 

Weeks had passed; Lucas was still annoying Samantha. "When will he stop?!" Samantha said miserably. "I've already done all my tactics but, why isn’t she still trusting me?" Lucas said. Soon, he gave up. He decided to take Samantha by force. He planned to ambush her by midnight.

Lucas waited and before he knew it, it was already time to ambush Samantha. As she was peacefully sleeping, Samantha heard a loud bang from downstairs. "What was that?" She said with a surprised face. She began hearing gunshots. She didn’t know what to do so, she hid inside her closet. She tried calling her parents but, it was no use. They were already dead a week ago. 

"Damn it! What am I supposed to do?" She trembled with fear. As the silence remained, Lucas broke her closet and pulled her out. He was wearing a mask so she couldn’t recognize him. "W-who are you?" Samantha cried. "Keep quiet or else!" He told her. "Let me go!" She said while pushing him. "This stupid hag," he mumbled. "You're too noisy!" Lucas said as he put a handkerchief dipped in chloroform directly to her mouth. 

It took a while for Samantha to regain her consciousness. As she woke up, she was surprised to see herself in a lab with chains put tightly all over her body. 

"You must be wondering why you're here," the professor said. "Who are you?!" Samantha screamed in agony. "I am the head professor of this lab. You will be used as our test subject for our new experiment." He said. 

"But how about Lucas? Does he also have something to do with this?" She questioned him. "Oh yes, I sent him to collect more data about you. You are highly needed to be the lab's test subject." He told her while taking a syringe. "Close your eyes, this is going to hurt a bit," he said with excitement in his eyes. Samantha screamed in misery. She didn’t know that there was more torture she will experience.

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