Thursday, March 3, 2022

LITERARY: "Feed Me With Your Blood" by Airah Nazhyna

Published by: Jan Yeasha Mendez

Date published: March 03, 2022

Time published: 11:49 AM

Category: Prose

Theme: Mystery and Supernatural

Synopsis: Five men are looking for one lady to save one of their dying friends.

"Who are they?" Alissa asks.

The whole gang immediately looks at the five guys wearing black suits and walks towards the corner of the street. They look like someone who comes from a formal event.

"And also, why are they so formal? What's with the suit? Jeez." Zyid says as he throws his cigarette into the trash bin beside him.

"Hey, Alissa! Go check up on them, ask what they want. Use your flirting skills!" Elijah says and the whole gang burst into laughter.

"Screw you, Elijah!" Alissa says and rolls her eyes.

In the middle of the gang's discussion, one of the five men with a suit approaches Elijah and asks him a question.

"Do you know who is Eliza and where we can find her?" Elijah stares at the man as he slowly lifts his chin because the man is too tall compares to his height. But, that doesn't scare Elijah. He laughs as he touches the man's shoulder and taps it.

"What's so funny, kid?" The man asks.

"I will only answer that question if only you can tell me who are you and those four behind you." Elijah teases the guy as he smirks at the man that is standing in front of him.

"Just answer the question, dude! Why are you look like a coward dog?" Noel shouts to the man.

The gang seems to enjoy themselves joking around with the five men. Until the gang realizes the silence that the five men are giving to them, they feel like they are making them look like a fool. Alissa tries to flirt with the man in front of Elijah but it doesn't affect the man. He doesn't even look in Alissa's eye.

"I'm gonna ask you again, kids. Do you know where is Eliza and where we can find her?" the man asks Elijah.

Elijah ignores him and turns his back on the man.

The man smirks as he pulls Elijah's hair off. The gang is ready to pick a fight with five men but the other four men walk towards as they show their fangs.

"Hey! How dare—" the man cut him off and snaps his neck.

"What's wrong with y'all?!" Alissa shouts and is about to run but the man holds her waist.

"My name is Fabian and whether you like it or not you're gonna tell me where can we find Eliza Alastair" Fabian whispers in her ear and give her small kisses on her jawline as he sniffs her neck.

Alissa widen her eyes when Fabian did it, she can feel his fangs.

"W-what are you? What do you need in my best friend?" Alissa asks.

"Hmm. There you are, good girl," Fabian stated as he caresses Alissa's hair.

"Stop that. I found the right person," Fabian says as he raises his hand to let the other part of the gang go. The four men approach Fabian and Alissa.

"Holy cookie, why are y'all so hot? How could I resist that?" Alissa whispers to herself.

"We heard you, Alissa," Fabian says.

"Who are the four men behind you, Fabian?" Alissa asks.

"The one with the red tie and grey eyes is Miguel. Beside him with the mercury silver tie and old-world blue eyes is Kashro. The third one with the dusty blue tie and cobalt eyes is Alejandro and the last one with a portobello tie and pure hazel eyes is Luke," Fabian says and looks straight into Alissa's eyes.

"Now, little girl. Tell me where is your best friend," Fabian added.

Alissa shakes her head and tries to go but when she is about to run Alejandro stand in her way.

"But, you're... how did you do that?" Alissa steps backwards and sees the smirk on Alejandro's kissable lips.

"Maybe, I'm just hallucinating," Alissa gently slap her face and shakes her head but the five men are still there.

"What do you need in my best friend? I will never let you see my bestie unless you tell me what do you need in her. Even if y'all are handsome!" Alissa shouts and hits Alejandro's shoulder.

"I don't want any negotiation, kitten." Fabian utterly says and glares at her.

"Hey! Who are you?!" Someone shouts at their back.

"Eliza, you need to run! Now!" Alissa tries to shout as loud as possible so that Eliza can hear her.

Fabian holds Alissa while the four men run after Eliza.

"Remember this, wherever she goes we will always find a way to catch her that's how we badly need her. So, don't you dare stick your nose into others' business? You will only get yourself hurt," Fabian says and glare into Alissa's eyes.

"Close your eyes, kitten," Fabian commands.

After Alissa closes her eyes she feels Fabian grabs her waist and something goes fast, she can't explain it. She assumes that Fabian runs but that is too fast for someone who is running but then she remembers that Fabian is not a mortal.

Alissa's eyes widen right after she opens them because of what she sees in front of her. They are in the old warehouse and he sees Luke holding Eliza on her right arm and Alejandro on her left. Alissa looks badly at Fabian but he just gives her a grin.

"What kind of people are you?! I don't understand this anymore. Eliza, do you know them?! Why are they looking for you? What do they need from you?!" Alissa shouts.

"I'm sorry if I lied to you, Alissa. I just don't want you to be in danger because you're the only one important person left in my life, I just don't want you to be hurt because of me," Eliza stated.

"We are not mortals, Alissa. Don't you get it? We are vampires and Eliza is..." Kashro says and chuckles as he caresses Eliza's hair.

"Don't you dare, Kashro! You will not get anything from me," Eliza shouts as they see a wild rage in her beautiful brown eyes as they change it into black eyes.

"It won't be long, Eliza. Just give a little blood to our brother, Miguel. You know he needs it, he needs you and your sacred blood," Luke stated and gives Eliza a cold stare.

"Miguel's getting weaker because your hybrid father bit him and your sacred blood is the only way to save our friend's life," Fabian says and give Eliza a breath-taking stare.

Eliza sighs. Realizing that she needs these men to negotiate another plan with the God of Black Magic. She has to think fast. Then Eliza realizes that she can use this situation to make them owe her one.

"Fine, I'll give him drops of my blood," Eliza stated.

After Eliza says that, Miguel immediately run quickly to Eliza's position. He sniffs Eliza's neck. Miguel immediately feels his blood rushing and is very hungry for Eliza's blood that will cure him of her father's bite.

Miguel immediately bites Eliza's neck gently and slowly sucks her blood. Seconds pass, Miguel stops, and there are still traces of Eliza's blood in his mouth which he cleans with his tongue.

"I knew you'll give it up, Eliza," Kashro says.

"Y'all owe me this one, so if ever I need your help, you must help me!" Eliza shouts.

"Yah, yah! Blah, blah! Let's go, we are done here," Fabian says and at the same time Miguel, Kashro, Luke, and Ashton walks after him.

"In your dreams, Eliza! Yahoo!" Ashton chuckles.

"By the way, Alissa. She's not a mortal," Fabian face Alissa and gently says it.

The five men disappear in front of Alissa and Eliza just like a bubble and nothing happens.

"See you again, Fabian," Eliza smirks.

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