Wednesday, March 16, 2022

LITERARY: "My Big Guy" By Dane Navarro


Published by: April R. Despi
Date published: March 16, 2022
Time published: 8:25 AM

Category: Poetry

Theme: Father's Love

Synopsis: She knew what she deserved because her father had shown what kind of man he was.


Boys would be boys, weren't they?

Sending mixed signals was their forte.

They only made a move—

when it was convenient for them.

They would make you feel unworthy, even though—

they were the ones who weren't deserving.


A bare minimum was too much to ask for.

Setting a standard would mean—

you were demanding more.


Gaslighting was their talent.

A talent that no longer needed a spotlight—

because you were being manipulated.

You wouldn't even barely notice—

since you were the judge to be shown off.


Luckily, I had someone who showed me the best,

That would be my father. I am impressed.

He treated me like I didn't need someone else,

Someone who did not even make any progress;

Why would I settle for less?

Why would I beg for something—

that could make my life a mess?

If I had a man who could make my life truly blessed.

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