Friday, March 11, 2022

LITERARY: Power of Women by: Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez

Published by: Jahzara Jera P San Miguel 
Date Published: March 11, 2022
Time Published: 9:41am

Category: Prose

Theme: Women's empowerment

Synopsis: There was once a woman named Amanda. She deeply wanted women to be treated equally. Soon, she proved that women could be better than men. But in exchange, her life was taken.

TW: May involve disturbing content

"Women should not exceed men, for they are nothing more than weaklings." Such insulting words were said by a man. However, a dauntless woman came and changed the perspective of men on women.

Amanda, a mere woman who was always looked up to, always dreamt of joining the military. But according to their laws, any woman cannot participate in the military nor have a job. 

Women were only meant to clean the house and take care of children. Nevertheless, Amanda was a stubborn yet brave woman. She did every possible way to change the state of women with all her might. She was apathetic towards the laws. She didn't worry if she would be sent to prison. She only wanted the women to have the right to do the same as any man. Amanda deeply wanted the women to be respected and treated equally.
She trained herself to be brave and possess a strong personality since she was young. Many children looked up to her braveness. Many girls wanted to be like her. As Amanda grew up, she became much fearless and strong. No woman had ever looked down on her. She became an inspiration for the women in her village.

One day, the army was in need of soldiers and required every man to join. Amanda also wanted to join but she knew to herself that she wouldn't be allowed to. Hence, she disguised herself as a man and proceeded to join the army.

Amanda's country was at war with two other countries. A massive number of humans were killed day by day.

As Amanda arrived on the battlefield, she was startled to see bloody corpses piled up in the corner. She didn't want any man to be added to that pile of corpses. She wanted to go home with the others safely.

After a long brutal fight between the countries, Amanda's country won the war. They had won, all thanks to Amanda. Amanda went home, letting out a big smile as she ran to her mother. "Oh, my Amanda. You have proven yourself to be capable of winning the war as a woman. We must hurry and tell everyone about this!" Amanda's mother said as she burst into excitement. However, Amanda declined and said, "I apologize, mother. We must keep this our secret. Once they found out that I am a woman disguised as a man to join the army, they will forbid me to join the army again." Hence, Amanda nor her mother spoke a word about the matter.

Years had passed, a new war has begun. Everyone was yet again miserable. It was up to Amanda to save her country.

Amanda and her comrades soon reached the battlefield. As she was fighting with vicious men, she was stabbed near her abdomen. She passed out and woke up in a tent with a group of men looking furiously. "Is it true that you are a woman disguised as a man?" A soldier asked. There was no point for Amanda to hide it anymore. She told the truth and begged the soldiers to let her fight again; even though she was injured. But, the supreme commander of their army declined. "Stay inside the tent until the war is over. You will be sent to prison once we get to our country for breaking the law," said the supreme commander. All of them were furious. They couldn't accept that Amanda was a woman despite saving their country once.

Amanda was livid since the soldiers couldn't accept that she was a woman. She stood up screaming, "What's wrong with being a woman?" She ran outside holding a massive sword and slaughtered her opponents. She was so mad that she didn't care about her body being stabbed by others. She wanted women to be treated equally, nothing else. She sacrificed herself only to bring justice for the women.

Soon, the war was over. Amanda's country won again, thanks to her. Unfortunately, Amanda died along with the other soldiers because of her state. She hoped that after she died, women would finally get justice.

Soldiers soon realized Amanda's bravery. Even though she was a woman, she proved herself to be strong like other soldiers. Men acknowledge her braveness and built a statue of her for being the very first woman to save their country. 

The president changed the law, letting women do the same as men. Women were finally treated equally. Men were astonished to see what women could do. Some were stronger than them, and some were smarter than them. They didn't know how much power a woman could hold. It was a good decision to let women do the same as men.

Amanda was a heroic woman. She ventured into the terrifying battlegrounds and saved the world. She became the woman whom people would look up to. Although her life was taken, people would still admire and respect her for her bravery.

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