Thursday, March 10, 2022

LITERARY: "A Fool For You" by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Published by: Euleen Summer Garchitorena
Date Published: March 10, 2022
Time Published: 6:45 pm

Classification: Poetry
Theme: Love, Acceptance
Synopsis: It would hurt to see someone you love being with another person. In life, we couldn't really always get what we want.

It was the start of October, 
I realized that I wanted to be your lover.
One word from you got me jumping,
You got my heart thumping.
All my emotions were scattered when you were around,
You made me feel safe. 
But then, I found out that you had already found a special someone.
I thought I would never be the one for you.
You slowly changed when you were with her.
Couldn't you just forget her?
Couldn't you just be with me instead?
You became much arrogant, 
You changed in an instant.
You acted strangely.
It felt like we were no longer estranged.
Was it worth loving you?
You made me feel blue.
Shamefully, I had some expectations.
Somehow, you only gave me frustration.
All I want to do right now is run—
Runaway from you.
I didn't want this feeling of rejection. 
I wanted the feeling of affection.
My baby, I was hoping you'd tell me you love me.
But I knew those words were far beyond my comprehension.
I had too many feelings I never understood,
I was having a hard time accepting the truth.
When you knew I had feelings for you,
Why didn't you tell me?
Instead, you humiliated me.
Tears fell from my eyes,
Yet all you did was spread these lies.
You even dared to call me bitter.
Was that what I did?
I promised you I'd be more than this. 
I would change, only for you.
I wanted you to love me, 
That was all I ever wanted you to do. 
I wished I could be so much more to you.
I wanted to be your one and only special girl.
Was it that hard for me to get what I wanted?
Frankly, you turned my life into a twirl.
I would give anything just to hold your hand.
I would give you everything I had.
It was fine if you would never accept my love,
But, you'd forever be my beloved.
I was scared—
I was scared that you would never notice me.
You didn't care.
If I begged you to stay,
Would you go away?
Let me be your lover,
I'd treat you decently, 
I would never treat you differently.
But, I knew I would never be the one for you,
I knew I would never be your boo. 
Love back then was overrated,
I had waited long enough.
I was tired, 
I was tired of getting my heartbroken.
I was hurt, but I needed to accept it.
What did I expect?
I knew this would happen.
I was falling in love,
But, I thought that was enough.
I needed to stop chasing you,
I knew our love would never be true.

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