Thursday, March 10, 2022

LITERARY: "Reconcile" by Aaliyah Van T. Pineda

Published by: Jan Yeasha Mendez

Date published: March 10, 2022

Time published: 1:49 PM

Classification: Prose

Theme: Forgiveness

Synopsis: Levi decides to be a better father and attempts to reconcile with his kids, but his teenage son refuses to listen to any he has to say.

(Second part of Redemption)


"Are you sure about this, Levi?" Agnes questioned as I buttoned my grey vest. I looked at the maid and gave her a gentle nod with a small smile. "I can't afford to make another mistake, Agnes," I spoke. "I am their father, so I must be there for them. Even if they are currently mad at me..."

Agnes looked at me before pulling me into a tight embrace. "I'm sure they will understand if you talk to them." she smiled. I returned her smile, and we both pulled away. Agnes gave me my car keys, and I finally exited the mansion.

I entered my car and started it before driving away. After returning home from the cemetery last night, Agnes immediately berated me for leaving in such horrible weather. But that same night, I decided to be a better father by being there for my kids, and by doing so, I must take them back from my sister as soon as possible. I can't afford to make the same mistake again.

My sister's residence is thirty minutes away, and I ran into traffic on the way, so it will take me more time to arrive.

I still haven't told my sister that I would be picking up the kids today because I was in a hurry to leave earlier that morning, and it slipped out of my mind last night to call or contact her.

The entire time I was in the car, I was very impatient and tense to see my kids again. The traffic cleared out after ten minutes, and I managed to continue driving. Once I've arrived at my sister's estate, I came face-to-face with a mansion just nearly half the size of mine. I was allowed through the gate. Whilst ignoring the estate guard asking if my sister or Charles know I'm here.

I stepped onto the mansion's porch and opened the door with no hesitation. "Where is my sister?" I bluntly asked the guard as I faced him. "Sh-she's having breakfast in the dining room with Master Charles and the kids." the guard stammered.

I quickly walked away and rushed in the direction of the mansion's dining room. I've been in this manor lots, so I know my way around. Once I've arrived, I swung the door open and stepped inside.

My kids and Aiko, including her husband, were startled and looked back at the door only to see me. "Levi?!" Aiko exclaimed as she stood up, to which I responded with a forced smile. "Hey..." I spoke. My girls immediately got up from their seats and ran to me. "Daddy!" Rosabelle and Chase beamed as they both tightly hugged me. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around my daughters. "Hey girls, I'm here." I gently said and caressed both of their heads. Aiko and Charles both began slowly walking towards me. "Levi, what are you doing here? You didn't call us that you would be visiting them today." Charles spoke. "No, um..." I said as I stood back up. "I will be picking them up today. I'm okay now..."

The couple gave me a look of uncertainty as if I said I would be reviving my wife from the dead. "Little brother, are you sure?" Aiko questioned. I looked down at Rosabelle's innocent expression as she continued to embrace me. "Daddy, you know you can have all the time you want to feel better, even if Hunter isn't happy about it..." Chase spoke before taking my hand in hers. I looked back at the couple and deeply sighed. "Well, to be honest, no. But I know I should. I need to be there for them. I promised Alice. I'm all they have left." I said. Charles and Aiko looked at each other, still unsure. Eventually, they both nodded their heads. Aiko immediately pulled me into a tight embrace and said, "Very well, if you say you're capable now, but know that I'm always here if you ever need to talk or need someone to watch over your kids."

I nodded and hugged her back. We pulled away before I finally noticed that Hunter wasn't in the room with us. "Where is my son?" I asked the couple. "Boy's up in his room. Said to eat without him because he wasn't hungry today." Charles answered. "What has he been doing all this time?" I worryingly asked. Aiko responded, "Nothing out of the ordinary. He didn't lock himself in his bedroom like what other teenagers would do, but we could still tell he wasn't okay..."

I nodded. "Where is Hunter's room?" I asked. "Second floor, third door to the left. Go talk to him." my sister answered. I nodded before bending down to my girls and speaking, "You girls wait here with your auntie and uncle. I need to talk to your brother, okay?" to which they both nodded. I ruffled their hair and said with a gentle smile, "I love you both."

I immediately made my way upstairs and stopped at my son's door. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. "Come in." I heard Hunter speak in a stoic tone. I opened the door and stepped inside the room. Hunter was on his phone while sitting at the edge of his bed. "Is there something you need—" The teenager was about to finish his sentence but stopped midway upon seeing my face. I smiled as I closed his door.

"Father...?" he said, rightfully shocked to see me. "Hey, son. I'm sorry for coming on such short notice..." I awkwardly said as I walked towards him. "Why are you here? It hasn't even been a week yet." Hunter spoke with a pinch of sarcasm and bitterness in his voice. I sighed and sat next to him on his bed. "I can take you and your sisters back to the mansion now. I'm okay now." I spoke, trying to break the tension between us.

"And do you think we are?" my son immediately snapped. "No," I answered. "But I want to help you and your sisters to manage the death of your mother. I'm your father, and I want to be here. So please, if we can go back home, then we can talk." I pleaded. Hunter looked at me and spoke, "Home?" before standing up and walking in front of me. "There is no HOME without Mother in it, Father!" he yelled. "Son, come now, don't say that," I tried to reason with the young man. "Your mother may be gone, but she would have wanted us to be happy!" I said as I stood up.

"I CAN'T BE HAPPY WITHOUT HER! NONE OF US CAN!! THAT'S WHAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!!" Hunter admitted as heavy tears formed in his eyes, making my heart drop to my feet. My son began letting out quiet cries. "She was our whole world. We loved her so much, and then she left. Now, we'll never be able to see her anymore. And you didn't even try comforting us after the funeral. It would have been alright with me if you consoled Chase and Rosabelle and didn't bother with me, but you didn't bother with any of us. You left us. And now, you expect us to come home with you?" he expressed.

I stared at the ground, lost for words. "No..." I quietly answered before looking at Hunter again. "Hunter, before you and your sisters left the mansion, you asked if I even cared about any of you. The answer is yes, son, I do. I love you and my girls from the bottom of my heart, and I will never be able to forgive myself if I lost even one of you." I spoke. Hunter cried harder and sniffled.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and said, "Hunter, I made a mistake that I can't repair with just a measly 'sorry'. I want to be there for you and your sisters. I don't want to hide away anymore. I want to be a better father and make you all happy again. I should have been there for you, Chase, and Rosabelle when you all were at your lowest, and I won't ask for your forgiveness, but I want to make everything right. The way your mother wanted us to be even without her. I know you loved her, son. I did as well, but Alice. She wanted us to be happy more than anything. I don't expect you or your sisters to be happy immediately. We can take some time and heal as a family, and we'll be there for each other. I'll be there for all of us."

Hunter trembled upon me mentioning his mother's name. "I know she's gone, but you and your sisters didn't lose everything. I am still here, and I always will be.

I'm ready to be the father you all need. I will make sure that you still have a loving home. I swear on my life Hunter that I will never abandon or turn my back on any of you. You're all that I have left. I love you three more than anything! I promise everything will be alright now. Even if she is not here, we will still be a family. I'll make sure of it. So please, bring that smile I love so damn much back on your face."

Hunter's eyes widened at my words. He then wrapped his arms around me and quietly cried in my chest. I rubbed his head in a gentle and consoling manner. "You must have been holding everything in for your sisters. You're a good brother Hunter. Always remember that." I smiled and wrapped my arm around his body as well. "I miss her so much, Father..." he expressed in a shaky voice. I rubbed his back before speaking, "I miss her as well, son, but we'll never forget her. She's in a better place now..." in response, Hunter slowly nodded his head as he squeezed the fabric of my shirt. He then gradually raised his head before lifting my left hand. "Father, you're wearing your wedding ring..." he spoke as he stared at the diamond ring. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Well, I decided to continue wearing it in memory of your mother. She reminded me to wear it every day when she was still alive. I wouldn't want to disappoint her, or else her soul might come back and forcefully compel me into wearing it." I joked, attempting to lighten the mood. Hunter fortunately giggled and continued embracing me.

We stayed in that position for several minutes before I managed to calm Hunter down at last. Then, we finally returned downstairs, only for Hunter to be tackled to the ground in a hug by his sisters. Aiko and I helped the girls pack their things while Charles helped my son. After we finished, I thanked the couple for looking after my kids while I spent my time thinking and reflecting.

The kids and I bid them goodbye before leaving their mansion. We drove in comfortable silence back home. And yes, I sat the kids down and finally talked to them about the real reason why I was locked in my room for a week. We calmly talked for a long time, and by the end of it, they forgave me and agreed to help each other move on from the death of Alice. As a family. I want us to be happy, including me. I don't want to fake a smile on my kids and lie that I'm alright. I want to be genuine, and I want them to know that we're in this together.

While I regret not being there for them, it did help me reflect on everything and make good decisions. I can't say what the future holds, but as of now, I want to watch my kids grow up. I'm very fortunate to be their father, and I can't ask for anything more.

Alice, I promise none of us will forget you, but please rest your soul and body. You don't need to fight anymore, and you do not need to worry about us. You're at peace, my love. You and our kids were the best things to ever happen to me. Always remember that. I will never be able to love any woman as much as I loved you. I'll join you someday once it's my time to leave this world.

I love you, Alice. My devoted wife, and the love of my life

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