Wednesday, March 2, 2022

LITERARY: Waltz in the Night By: Author: Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Published by: Jahzara Jera P San Miguel

Date published: March 2 2022

Time published: 1:51pm

Category: Prose

Theme: Love of two travelers

Synopsis: There was once a miserable Princess who always wanted to explore the beauties of the earth. Soon, a man rescued her from her misery and became her lover. They promised to never leave each other but, some promises can't be kept.


Long ago, I met a woman longing for saving. She was the daughter of the Emperor. I fell in love with her the moment our eyes met.

We met in a market. She saw me selling fresh fruits and went to buy some. I was so mesmerized by her beauty that I couldn't speak properly at that time. After that, I never saw her again.

Weeks passed; the Emperor suddenly called me to come to their palace. As I stepped foot inside the palace, knights came and surrounded me. I was surprised to see the Emperor approaching me with such a terrifying face. "I hereby send you to the dungeon for stealing a pound of gold," he declared. I was innocent, I would never do such a thing. I tried explaining the false accusation to the Emperor but he didn't listen. I was soon thrown into the dungeon in a blink of an eye.

As I desperately pondered how I would prove my innocence, the Princess went to me and made a deal. "Help me escape this horrible Palace and I'll help you escape this dungeon," She said. I promptly agreed with her and I was out of the dungeon the next morning. "Now that you're out, help me escape!" She told me with excitement in her eyes.

And so, we escaped the palace. "Since our deal's over, this is where we part ways. So long, Princess," I told her. "There was no way she could fall in love with me. I was nothing but a peasant to her eyes," I whispered to myself. But…a miracle happened. "No! Come with me and let's explore this beautiful world. It would be much more enjoyable if you come with me.

So…would you?" She asked me. I said yes with happiness. I was finally given a chance to prove my love for her highness. I was going to prove to her that I could be worthy of her love.

She grabbed my hand, letting out a big smile. I was glad to make her happy. We went to the woods and started walking endlessly. It was tiring but whenever I see her face, happiness started flowing through my heart. "Father treats me nothing more than a slave, back in the palace. I wanted to escape and live my life freely for such a long time. Luckily, you came by and saved me. Thank you," said the Princess. I was happy enough to be thanked by her.

One night, we noticed such a dazzling moon. The Princess sang and grabbed my hand to dance. Oh, how wonderful it was for us to dance under the breathtaking moon. We did her favorite dance, the waltz. Every time we saw a beautiful moon, she would grab my hand and start dancing. It was fun, indeed. I wanted to live a leisure life with her forever. I wanted our bond to never end.

It had been a month since the Princess and I started wandering around the world. It was joyful but I needed to be honest with her. I strengthened my gut and told her how I felt. Her eyes widened as I made her speechless. She straight away held my hand and said, "Yes, let me be your lover. Promise me to never leave my sight. Let's face any stumbling block together, forever." I was astonished to hear such beautiful words from her.

I was deeply in love with her. It had been a year and a half since we became a couple. Every day became more joyous with her. I was finally worthy enough to be loved by her.

Not more than a week, she got sick. Her sickness was unstable and was close to death. I wanted to help her or at least bring her to a hospital but we were in the middle of the forest. There was nothing that could've helped her living. All I could do was stay by her side and tell her that everything would be okay, even if I knew nothing good was going to happen.

With tears in her eyes, she said her last words. "Darling, don't you worry. I'll be fine so stop crying. Always remember that I love you more than anything in this world," she said as she closed her eyes. "No, no! Stay with me, my love. Let's wander the hidden beauties of the world. Open your eyes, you can't leave yet!" I screamed while holding her hand. But no matter how hard I screamed, she never opened her eyes again.

I promised to protect her forever but I failed in the end. Perhaps, I wasn't worthy enough to receive her love that God himself took her away from me. There was nothing I could do but to accept my fate.

She lived quite a short life. It was good that she was able to explore the world before ascending to heaven.

"But no matter how old the times are, I would never lose sight of you, my love."

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