Tuesday, April 26, 2022

FEATURE: "Botante ka na ba? : Simple Actions the Youth can Do During Elections" by Jasmine Fiona Sanchez


          Published by: Kim Ashley Masagca

Date published: April 26, 2022

Time published: 2:33pm

Are your ears tired of the constant nagging and complaining of the people around you? Hearing them say repetitive things like "hindi ka naman botante!" or "bata ka pa lang!" must be extremely taxing, right? Well, I'm here to tell you that you're doing the right thing! 

As a minor, people will always say that since you cannot shade a ballot, you are not allowed to speak about the elections. What they do not realize is that the result of their votes will not only affect them, but affect you as well—hence, you have every right to be vocal about it. 

So buckle up, and get ready for a ride! Our destination for today is to know how you, as someone who is less than eighteen years old, can exercise your right as a Filipino citizen and partake in the National Elections that is set to happen this May 9, 2022.


1) Research

Google is always just one click away! 

Research is one of the most fundamental skills needed this election as fake news peddlers are at the height of their career. Before doing anything else, it is important to search about any information you are not sure of as this step provides insight on said information—from the exact date of the elections to the credentials and track records of the running candidates. This is the most important step as it helps you formulate your own stand and opinion during the elections. 

Remember to only trust reliable sources, such as verified news media outlets with the blue check mark beside their names. TikTok and Facebook are NOT reliable!


2) Stand your Ground

After doing your research, assess the candidates that are most worthy to be public servants and campaign for them. Be vocal and amplify your voice! 

Share posts on social media. Show your friends and family, who are able to vote, why you have decided to choose your preferred candidate. Have a heart-to-heart talk with them, and always remember to treat these people with respect and patience. Compassion goes a long way in election talks, and it shows that what you're doing is not to prove them wrong, but to make them realize that their vote will be a vote for your future too. 

Though, standing your ground and having an opinion shouldn't just be based on bias and mere feelings, your opinion should be an educated and informed one, backed-up with facts. 


3) Fact-check

This step is strongly connected to the first one as researching and fact-checking go hand-in-hand. 

In a time where technology prevails and information is more accessible than ever, it is still important to ingrain in your brain that not everything you read on the internet is true and factual. Recently, social media apps have been coming out with their very own fact-checker, flagging fake news on their platforms to control the dissemination of information. Even then, fake news is always being made, most especially during campaign and election period. 

It is important to discern whether the information you consume online is fake or real. Otherwise, your judgement could get very clouded.

The ways of partaking in this election are not only limited to these three, although these are the most general tasks a young teenager could do. If you are capable of more, then always be welcome to do more—the more the merrier!

And the next time someone asks you "botante ka na ba?" whenever you let yourself be heard—tell them no. No, you are not a voter, but you are still a Filipino citizen just like the rest of the voters, and you have every right to partake in the upcoming May 2022 Elections.

Photo Source: https://www.vistaresidences.com.ph/blog/how-to-be-a-responsible-voter-condo-tips?fbclid=IwAR2qOt9-SBWOPjDOA6KWQIgaft7ZaVLou6qsc002uWeSgro3kUbT-iVMfBU

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