Friday, April 8, 2022

LITERARY: "Falls of Lies" by Andrea Jasmine Navarro

Published by: April R. Despi 

Date published: April 08, 2022

Time published: 7:19 AM

Category: Poetry

Theme: Humanity and Manipulation

Synopsis: Humanity was often poisoned by the cunning hands of smears. Why do they deprive the victim of lies?

They roamed around this world—

Chased innocent preys to shed their blood,

Turned a deaf ear to twist the truth, 

How could they choose to believe such thought?

Those who had heard the sooth; 

Laid under the land—got burried in wrath,

Who would bear the ruin?

If with these hoaxes and lies, they spun.

Their deviousness kept flowing and all,

Like how water flowed in a waterfall,

This has turned everything red, 

Drained every drop of humanity—blooded.

Would you get touched by the cunning hands of smears?

Would you deprive the victim of lies?

Over the masks and dark—

It's us who has to choose the truth.

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