Thursday, April 7, 2022

LITERARY: Mortem By: Honey Grace Tolentino

Publised by: Jahzara Jera P San Miguel
Date published: April 7 2022
Time published: 8:41am

Category: Prose
Theme: Nearing death
Synopsis: In the eyes of many, death was a scary thing. We were scared of what it might bring. However, we haven’t seen death yet in the eyes of someone watching a life’s real ending.

When the world slept to the lullaby, the sky was as dark as her eyes whose shine was vanishing bit by bit. No, she did not die. How funny it was to see people doing everything they wanted. Defending themselves with the liberty of doing what they like so long as they didn’t harm anybody. Yet they unknowingly did.

I didn’t mind standing near the windowpane of her solitude room. A room that was provided to her by an institution built specifically for those whose lives were in danger. She breathed air through the pipes connecting from a huge machine larger than her body. It looked painful but she was sleeping serenely.

Amaris gave this ill-lit place a bit of her white, mesmerizing light. It made this child’s fire-like hair ignite unceasingly.

If my memory served me right, it was a holiday when she worked later than usual. Her body look gaunt, yet she pursued working overtime, after all, no one was waiting for her back at her house. She did all that, not knowing that it would be the last time she could move as free as before.

At first, she fought, but she languidly gave up in this long crusade between her choices and fate. It was a heart-rending show to watch being that she was only a victim of their selfishness. The government gave orders to protect its people and instead of following, they refused.

Time and again, these humans had proven that they were egotistical. Her family who came only when she drew her last breath were pathetic. Why come now? Why regret now? No matter how much they cry their eyes out, time would not turn back. Even if it filled the dams, it was futile. Tears could never bring back the dead to life.

I had been waiting for her, and eventually, she came out. “It’s time.” The beeping of those irritable machines finally stopped. She didn’t have to suffer like this. “Are you ready?” I asked. Her hand grazed my boned structure. In my thoughts, she would freeze in her place and stare at me, scared, but no. Instead, this daring woman stepped closer, raising her hand to touch the scythe. The very thing I used for those souls who insisted on staying, or those sinners. Sometimes it would be those people who committed more than felonies. Those who were sentenced by us.

“Finally,” she whispered. Taking careful steps, she smiled. “I know I have to go one way or another.” The sand eventually ended its flow.

As we climbed up to the place I could not go, she told me her life experiences. I had always thought that it was useless living a life that would be gone anyway. Now, having escorted souls with flourishing experiences, I cherished it as well, although I was never given one.

In each step she took her face, which was all wrinkly, hinting at the days and years that passes, turned smooth. Like that of a child’s. Her shining salt and pepper hair reverted back to ashen ones. The last step, she turned, smiled, and said, “Thank you.”

Being Death itself, I saw how humans feared us. Me.

Just like this girl whose fiery hair faded. The fire burning ceased. “Will I finally see the castle?” she asked. Her eyes turned dull, and so I said, “Yes. It’s waiting for you. The saccharine adagio lullaby will welcome your arrival.” Like a child she was, her eyes glimmered once more. She lost her life due to those who selfishly acted.

She ran up to the stairs until she reached the gates. Today, the brightest smile I had ever seen was hers as she waved her hands and shouted, “Thank you!”
Surely, I must wait at that place again. The unknown death was waiting for them.

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