Friday, September 23, 2022

π—Ÿπ—œπ—§π—˜π—₯𝗔π—₯𝗬: "The Birthday Party" by Ysabelle Calalang

Posted by: Euleen Summer Garchitorena
Date Published: September 23, 2022
Time Published: 2:07 pm

Category: Prose

Theme: Birthday party, socially awkward

Synopsis: What happens when a socially awkward and too blunt guy gets invited to a birthday party? Not to mention swimming was involved. Jamie was certainly rethinking his decision to even attend said party, but it was too late to leave. And so, he finally joined the rest of the guests.

Staring blankly at the sliding glass door that separated him from the rest of people, as well as the party itself. Jamie sighed deeply as he reached his hand out and slid the door open. He took a few steps forward and let his eyes adjust to the sunrays illuminating the background and the teenagers occupying the backyard, as well as the pool. Fortunately enough, the weather was cooperating and it wasn’t too hot nor was there any signs that it would rain; potentially ruining the birthday party. His black eyes scanned the multitude of teenagers around, silently wondering where the birthday girl was.

After all, she was the one who personally invited and convinced him to attend. His eyes widened as his cheeks started to heat up slightly once the realization dawned upon him. It was a Greek themed party and there were already quite a few people that already changed into their swimsuits. Specifically females. He cleared his throat and finally spotted his friend.

A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he made his way over to her, trying not to seem awkward. While his face didn’t give any hints, his mannerisms certainly did. Jamie offered her a small smile. “Happy birthday, Lizzie,” he greeted. Lizzie’s eyes widened as she quickly recognized him, brightening up as she returned the smile.

“Jamie! You made it!” She looked triumphed as she was successful in her persuasion of him attending her party. “I hope you brought swimwear. I did tell you, didn’t I?” She stared at him for a response, never losing her radiant smile.

He nodded. “I did.” His gaze wandered over to those in the pool already. “I guess I’m pretty late, though. Sorry about that.”

Lizzie laughed softly, causing his heart to race a bit. “No, it’s fine.” Amusement seeped into her tone as Jamie shifted awkwardly. “I honestly didn’t expect you to come here on time.”

“That’s...” His protests quickly died out once he realized she was speaking the truth. “I...yeah, you’re right.” He hung his head in defeat, causing her to giggle softly.

She rolled her eyes playfully. “I know.” She shook her head. “Now, go on. Enjoy the party! You should go make friends.”

“Er...I’ll try.” Jamie gave her a nod and a smile as he walked away, continuing to look around. True to his words, he did attempt to find someone to befriend. He couldn’t exactly recall, but he ended up conversing with quite a few people. A majority of them were very cute girls that made his heart race. He was starting to think it actually was a great idea to attend this party. It was nice, fun, and he got to see and talk with cute girls.

How he did that without getting extremely flustered, he had no idea. Though, he definitely wasn’t going to question it. Jamie was just thankful none of the girls noticed his fluster, that would’ve been quite awkward for all of them. He didn’t want them to think he was being weird or anything like that. He continued to mingle with them before excusing himself to go change into his swimwear.

Once that was done, he returned to them, though it seemed all but one had rushed off to chat with other people. That was fine. The black haired male was thankful no one minded his blunt nature and that he wasn’t coming off as a jerk for not filtering any of his thoughts. It swelled his pride and made him relieved as he didn’t want to leave the party too soon just because he ended up accidentally offending someone with his bluntness.

Now, he was back to conversing with Lizzie as they chilled at the shallow end of the pool. Lizzie inquired about the 3D models he tended to create and play around with and he went on to telling her what he was up to. Jamie blinked as he noticed her glasses were slipping off. He did think it was weird for her to go into the pool with her glasses on, but didn’t see any harm with it as she just stayed in the shallow end.

He reached a hand out, halting their conversation as he pushed her glasses up. “Sorry, I didn’t want your glasses to end up falling into the water,” he told her, laughing slightly at her subtle stunned expression.

Lizzie shrugged it off, laughing along. “Fair enough.” She smiled at him. “Thanks, Jamie.”

“No problem, Lizzie.”

Their conversation continued as they started to splash each other in the pool, making a few others notice and join in. Luckily, the female’s glasses didn’t end up getting knocked off and they all had plenty of fun; laughter and playful whines echoing around as the sun started to set in the background, illustrating a nice dim in the backyard. The party came to an end, disappointing a lot of them but it couldn’t be helped.

“See you around, Jamie!”

“See you, Lizzie!”

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