Thursday, September 28, 2023

π—Ÿπ—œπ—§π—˜π—₯𝗔π—₯𝗬: "Unorthodox Confession" by Ysabelle Calalang


Published by: Irene Alga
Date Published:  September 28, 2023
Time Published: 12:25 AM

Category: Prose
Subject: Confession, flower language

Karma was perched high on a tree branch, his back against the trunk, while his left leg dangled on the side. He lazily wrapped an arm around his propped right knee, pressing his cheek against it, his eyes drifting away. He was unusually quiet, a rare occurrence. What to do, what to do... The corners of his lips tugged downward as he inhaled deeply. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, frustrated with himself.

"I wish I were normal. Maybe then I could figure this out better," he mumbled before looking taken aback by his own words, his brows furrowing. "I can't believe I just uttered those words. How unlike me..." He shook his head, brushing it off. 

He found himself in a peculiar state where he barely had a clue about what decision to make. Just because he's a functioning person doesn't mean he's normal or sane. Quite the opposite, really. His eyelids fluttered closed, allowing himself to forcibly calm down. He disliked being in such a vulnerable position where he genuinely had no idea how to proceed. Yes, he had pondered over many concepts, but none ever appealed to him in the way that truly mattered. It no longer mattered if everything was perfect; he just wanted it to be right, to go smoothly. Instead, he could barely make a move.

"This is getting ridiculous. Where is your pride?" he berated himself. "In the first place, is what I'm feeling even romantic? It wouldn't be the first time I've mistaken platonic feelings for romantic ones, and vice versa." He snapped his head up and leaned it against the trunk of the tree. His lower lip trembled.

"No. It is very well certain this is on the romantic scale," he muttered, sighing deeply. "I just have to..." His words trailed off as he opened his eyes, suddenly realizing something. He didn't need to worry about such trivial things. Wasn't he liked for being himself? All he had to do was ensure the confession was true to him. Not something taken from a storybook's page, not something from a romance novel, but something unorthodox and uniquely his. A soft laugh rang out, finding his worrying and contemplation to be ridiculous.

He rolled his eyes. "I just have to do things my way." He stretched his arms out before placing them on the branch and jumped down, hanging from the tree as he swung over to a lower branch so he could land safely. He would have to make some quick preparations within a time limit. But hey, who would he be if he couldn't accomplish such a simple task? Simple but a bit daunting. How fitting.

Karma's gleeful laugh resonated around the music room as he emerged from the shadows, his eyes twinkling. "I hope you enjoyed the wild goose chase I sent you on." He grinned at the person he had fallen for. His gaze landed on the orange tulip in their hand. "I am fascinated by you."
"Beauty unknown to the possessor." Red Daisy.
"Worth beyond beauty." Alyssum.
"I will never forget you." Pink carnation.
Pause. He was right in front of them now, staring at the last two flowers in their hands.
"I think of you." Pink salvia.
Deep breath. Soft smile.
Purple salvia. "..Forever mine."
Karma took out another flower from behind him. A pink geranium.
"And... you're my preference." I'm choosing you.
His smile was tinged with mirth, his cheeks dusted pink as he stared at them fondly. His words were barely above a whisper, so uncharacteristic of him, who always spoke confidently and with certainty. "I won't tell you I love you today, but... I think our story together can be a secret language, understood  only by the two of us."

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