Monday, October 9, 2023

π—Ÿπ—œπ—§π—˜π—₯𝗔π—₯𝗬: "The Wave That Sparked a Connection" by Ysabelle Calalang


Cartoon by: Kraysan Laura

Published by: Kassandra Aman

Date Published: October 9, 2023

Time Published: 8:30 AM

Category: Prose

Subject: First encounters

Heeled black shoes made clicking sounds as Amanda hurried down the steps, modules tucked neatly under her right arm, while she held her wallet and tumbler in her left hand. Her swift pace caused her ponytail to swish behind her, and she had to blow the stray strands of her hair out of her eyes. When she reached the last step, she slowed down to catch her breath, her chest gently rising and falling as she caught her breath, with a shake of her head, she continued towards the cafeteria. Finding an empty spot at one of the tables, she placed her modules and tumbler down and took a moment to tuck the stray strands of hair behind her ears as she surveyed the cafeteria, gauging the length of the lines.

Amanda’s expression brightened when she noticed that the lines weren't as long as she had anticipated. She eagerly joined one of the queues to grab her lunch, peering through the glass at the various food options. Her dark eyes settled on her favorite dish; a smile played upon her lips as her hands lightly intertwined behind her back. She lifted her chin, taking in the bustling atmosphere while she patiently waited in line, successfully ignoring the loud chatter of others around her who were also queued up.

Hm?’ Her gaze suddenly fell upon a familiar figure a few feet away. ‘Ah, it’s him..!’ Brent Santos, a grade twelve student in one of the STEM pilot sections, stood there exuding an aura of "tall, dark, and handsome" that seemed to attract a crowd. Despite his friendly demeanor while attempting—Amanda assumed—to engage in conversations with those around him, a faint frown tugged at the corners of his lips.

Sensing someone's eyes upon him, the dark-haired student turned his head, scanning his surroundings before locking gazes with Amanda. A flush of warmth spread across her cheeks, her expression betraying her as it turned flustered. Being caught staring was a bit embarrassing, but the serene smile Brent sent her made her heart race, making the embarrassment entirely worthwhile. She mustered the courage to lift her hand in a friendly wave before she quickly averted her gaze; it was her turn at the food counter.

Unbeknownst to Amanda, Brent's eyes lit up at the sight of her waving at him. His previously mild displeasure vanished, replaced by a genuine warmth. Even his tone when interacting with the students around him seemed to shift subtly, all because of that simple wave.

With her cup of food in hand, Amanda navigated her way through the bustling cafeteria, heading back to the area she claimed as hers earlier. Her eyes flitted over various groups of students engaged in animated conversations and laughter, making it a lively and vibrant scene. She noticed that while she was in line getting her food, the area she had chosen was now bathing in warm sunlight, just extremely inviting. It made her smile brighter than it already was as she took a seat.

As she placed her food down, she began to organize her modules before placing them off to the side. She looked over her shoulder as she couldn't help but steal another glance at Brent. He was finally engrossed in conversation with the other students, his warm smile never fading as it was now twinged with genuineness. There was something about the way he held himself, an air of approachability that drew people in; it was almost enchanting.

It drew people like her in. Not that she entirely minded, of course.

Lost in thought, Amanda absentmindedly took a bite of her lunch, savoring the flavors as they danced on her taste buds. Her attention, however, kept drifting back to Brent. She couldn't shake the feeling that their brief exchange held more significance than just a simple wave. Her heart fluttered as she mulled over the possibility of striking up a conversation with him later. Her own classroom was right beside his; it would almost be laughingly easy to do it.

Meanwhile, Brent noticed Amanda's glances from time to time in his direction, and his curiosity grew. He couldn't help but feel this strange sense of wonder about the girl who had captured his attention so effortlessly. His mind began to race, thoughts flitting around, and he found himself eagerly anticipating their next encounter.

As the short break continued, the cafeteria buzzed with activity before the students had to hurry back to their individual classrooms. Amanda and Brent's worlds seemed to orbit closer together. Little did they know that a simple wave had set in motion a series of events that would bring them closer than either of them could have imagined.

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