Monday, April 29, 2024

π—–π—’π—Ÿπ—¨π— π—‘: “Un-MAP-ping modern pedophilia” by Reniza P. Manalaysay

Cartoon by: Arashel Mei Cinco

Published by: Ellen Clare Carballo

Date Published: April 29, 2024

Time Published: 7:07 AM

In today's world where words being added in order to suffice what society thinks is appropriate, dark and real crimes such as being a pedophile, does not deserve an ounce of normalcy through reinvention of how they are labeled. If one is a pedophile, he should be called as one, and not as “Minor-Attracted Person” or MAP.

Politically correct terms are defined as terms used to describe language, policies, or measures with the intention of avoiding offense to certain members of society. These have been around for years, with some people confusing them with ‘euphemisms’, but have reached an all-time attention today because of social media. Although the intentions behind these are good—for instance, differently abled person instead of person with disability—some newly-coined terms raise some confusions and offense, particularly the ‘Minor Attracted Person’ as the “new” label for pedophiles. The term was invented by B4U-ACT to destigmatize the “Minor Attracted Person” community [1].

The intention behind the concept of MAP should be admirable, but it is disgusting and it’s not. According to Walker, it is to encourage these people to seek help and therapy. This is backed by a few therapists who correlate being attracted to a child to being gay, or being sexually attracted to same-sex [2]. This is because they argue that you can’t really control attraction, hence why feel the need to define someone’s overall identity based on his attraction to children? Notice how twisted the concept sounds. For one, you cannot compare being in love to someone your age and someone who can legally give consent to lusting over a child who had barely had the time to properly develop. They are children, not adults that have the voice to speak out when their boundaries are being overruled.

Pedophilia is not like any other sexual preference. It’s pedophilia, an unequal, unethical, and disgusting dynamic between a grown adult and a child. There is no way that is, and should be, similar to wanting to be in a relationship with a fellow, grown, and consenting man or woman.

Upon analysis, the basis of the argument lies on the belief that these MAPS do not touch or act upon their urge to sexually assault children, hence they should not be clamped with people like John Wayne Gacy, a notorious serial killer and pedophile from the 70s. I beg to differ because even if they did not participate in such horrid crimes, being attracted to a child is literally what “pedophile” means so I fail to understand the need for a new term that “destigmatizes” and borderline normalizes something that should not be normal [3]. Normalizing pedophilia would do so little in encouraging people to seek help through therapy. In today’s time where it could be conducted in the privacy of your own home, I don’t understand the need to normalize it when in the first place, you can already ask for help without anyone knowing.

Just on the January 23rd of last year, four Filipino people were convicted for violating the Anti-Child Pornography Act after two separate arrests were conducted [4]. These cases are some of the most recent news about sexual abuse on children, yet strangely none of the news made noise and caused ruckus. A year later, the issue of the disgusting crimes continues to remain in ‘secret’ because of the very little care society gives to this issue.

By normalizing pedophilia through a rebrand, somewhere down the lane, the victims would not even realize they are victims. Let us not lessen the gravity of crimes and cater to the feelings of possible proprietors. That real de-stigmatization should occur on the side of the children who were silenced about their experience because of condemnation. If we want to solve the issue, these pedophiles should be taught about the real danger of their attraction, and not sugarcoat the abnormality for the sake of ‘what ifs’. Let them seek help, but let us not participate in creating an environment where anti-rape devices in children’s sizes will be sold in candy stores. 


[1] Sorrentino, R. & Abranowitz, J. (2021, July 20). Minor-attracted persons: A neglected population. π˜”π˜‹π˜¦π˜¨π˜₯𝘦.

[2] Walker, A. (2022). A long, dark shadow: minor attracted people and their pursuit of dignity. 𝘜𝘯π˜ͺ𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴π˜ͺ𝘡𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘊𝘒𝘭π˜ͺ𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘯π˜ͺ𝘒 π˜—π˜³π˜¦π˜΄π˜΄.

[3] Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopaedia (2024, March 28). pedophilia. 𝘌𝘯𝘀𝘺𝘀𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘦π˜₯π˜ͺ𝘒 Britannica.

[4] IJM USA. Four convicted in Philippines for online sexual exploitation of chlidren.

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