Tuesday, September 21, 2021

FEATURE: "Thesis and nirerevise, hindi history!" by Reign Andrea Javier

Time went and passed away, but did it heal the scars inflicted by yesterday's torment and atrocities?

Today marks the 14-year dictatorial regime of Ferdinand Marcos since its imposition. A time where victims of martial law consider to be an act of catching air by hand. Freedom is as slippery as defeating an oppressive man standing behind its abused power. 

But as we remember this tragic point in our history, it also opens wounds that we think time could heal. The nightmares of Martial Law still haunt its victims as to how inhumane the things that they have to endure to stand and fight for what democracy is. The claws of torture and persecution are still felt that go deep down through their hearts, crushing it by every single bit of the memory Martial Law left.

With this, we grieve for the death of the victims and support those who survived the cruelty of the Marcos regime. We stand with the fight against white-washing to cover the brutality and injustices brought by Martial Law upon its people. 



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