Tuesday, September 21, 2021

LITERARY: "The Blues" by: Juliana Agbulos

"The Blues"

By: Juliana Agbulos

Sullen and immensely cold,

Free from sound or any noise.

I gaze upon the sky,

With echoes in my head;

Screaming like a storm.

Inside my puzzle,

Lies a soul that is black and blue.

As the cold breeze touches my skin,

Ripples of memories emerge—

With somber waves drowning my eyes.

Amongst the sea of stars,

I roam my eyes around.

Countless whisper in my heart,

Keeps clouding my mind.

Then I ask myself,

“Can I still paint the unsaid?”

Taking a deep breath.

Crying my heart out.

Can the infuriating ocean be serene?

Maybe this is really my destiny,

And silently battling these wars are my reality.

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