Monday, September 20, 2021

NEWS: "Vaccine minority" by Patricia Inocencio

 Last June 22, 2021, The National Task Force Against COVID-19 (NTF), plans to allocate half of the 40 million Pfizer doses to the underage group.

The vaccination will be provided to younger individuals in the Philippines in the following months as adviced by experts in the PTV 4 news c
hannel, Carlito Galvez Jr. The NTF’s chief implementer says, task force would look for advice from experts on pediatric vaccination.

The COVID-19 immunization programs from Europe, the United States, and Israel started giving jabs to those below 18.

“Once our pediatric experts [say] that we can already go [ahead] with the vaccination [of the younger population], considering that we already have enough vaccines, then we will…,” he states.

A pediatric infectious diseases expert disagrees with the task force’s plan to have vaccinated people at a younger age. They say the government should stick to prioritizing the more vulnerable adults. Dr. Benjamin Co says the government might also want to consider “reserving” the mRNA-type vaccines like Pfizer for adults ever since the Philippines used a “mixed bag of vaccines” with varying effectiveness against the newer coronavirus variants. Co says, “If adults don’t get COVID-19, then there are little chance children will get it… Let us exhaust vaccinating adults before we move on to children. [Besides], only 2 percent [so far of the population] have been fully immunized.”

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