Monday, September 20, 2021

LITERARY: “A Fight Between Me and Myself” ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎by: Airah Nazhyna

Different faces are trying to please every part of my body, to resurrect a bridge to guide my feet down to its throne, they are trying to execute the essence of life inside me, and I am so scared. There is always a fight between me and myself, my mind, and my heart. But this is not fair for me because they are controlling and manifesting a rage inside me. Sucking up those lights in the moon and glancing into it so that I could only now see darkness in front of me.

"You're not gonna make it and you have no purpose,” deep strong voices are repeatedly saying those crappy words and it makes me anxious. I don't want any of this to happen. I do not stand any possibility but to let it drip through my soul and choke me up.

"Just let me go and I will fly like free doves up in the blue sky, and flap my wings through the breeze while the sun is smiling back at me,” a sudden voice resonates in my ear, like an old tape on a stereo in a vintage house.

I can’t feel anything. I want to be delighted but all I can feel is nothing but sadness. The wrath in my head is pushing me to my limit to pick up the pieces and plop them in every part, but nothing of that could fit in. A paralyzed crack in my voice while trembling is compelling me to whimper, and there, I am roaming through a sea and drowning to death.


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