Monday, September 20, 2021

LITERARY: "Green-Eyed Monster" by: Akhia Dela Peña

"Green-Eyed Monster"

by: Akhia Dela Peña

Miss Lozano is a school teacher, who teaches English to grade 9 students. Everyone adored her because of how she treats her students. She is known to be the most bubbly person among her colleagues. One morning, when she was about to go to her first class, she felt that someone was following her and that made her feel uncomfortable.

"Excuse me, can I ask something?" says the voice behind her. She faces the person and is stunned by the girl in front of her. There is something unusual about this girl. The way she looks at her. The girl asks once again before she could reply to her first question. "Where is the room of class 9-Ares, Miss...?" the girl asks.

"Lozano. I'm Miss Lozano and I'm the class adviser of class 9-Ares, you are?" she asks. "I'm Eliz, your new student," she replied while smirking. Eliz extends her hand to shake with hers. She accepts it. They enter the class together. After she introduced her to her classmates she starts the lesson and it went smoothly, except for the fact that she is still bothered by her new student and the way she glares.

A few weeks have passed. Everyone is having their lunch. Miss Lozano, who happens to pass by the back of the school, saw something... not something but someone. While looking at the scene closely she sees a dead rat and the girl turns slowly to face her. It is Eliz! Her student. She is holding a knife and her hands were full of blood.

"Hi miss, fancy seeing you here. Want to join my little party?" Eliz asked. "This girl is nuts!" she says to herself. She turns her back and walks away but after a few steps, Eliz shouts. "Have a great day, Miss! And Goodbye... forever." Before she could run, Eliz caught her and stabbed her to death. Now she’s just barely breathing, then she mouths. "Please... spare my life. I won't tell anyone about what happened! Please I'm begging you!"

"Too late! You're going to die anyway. You know what I hate about people is that they are too nosy. Not minding their own business. And I despise people who are loved by everyone, especially you...I HATE YOU!" Eliz retorts. She stabs her for the last time and took her life. Then, Eliz drags out the body and buries her.

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