Tuesday, September 14, 2021

LITERARY: "Forbidden Castle" by Akhia Dela Peña

There was once a princess who lived in a gigantic castle along with her father who was the owner and the duke who ruled the place. Every time her father would tell her that one day everything that was in the palace would soon be hers. But the peculiar princess didn't want to inherit the castle. She wanted to live her life outside the castle interact with other people, make friends but her father disagreed with her decision. One rainy day, she heard noises in the basement, and after hearing those noises she knew there was something wrong in there. So she decided to go in there to see it herself but her father caught her sneaking. She asked her father, "Papa, what's in there?"

Her father replied, "Something you must not see."

"But papa!" she shouted.


And she knew that her father meant it; she knew the consequences. "I'll be gone for a few days. I'm warning you, stay out of the basement and follow the headmistress. If you go in there without my permission..." said her father while looking at her with a scary expression.

Soon her father left. She and the headmistress along with the chambermaids were left in the castle. But her curiosity got her. She decided to check the basement even if her father would be mad at her. Down the narrow stairs leading to the basement, she could feel her body trembling. The closer she got to the door of the basement, the stronger the odor of dead rat was coming from in there got. After a few steps, she saw a big door facing her like a big mouth about to eat her alive. She opened the door and was dumbfounded by the numerous beheaded women hanging on the ceiling of the basement and she saw one of the heads belongs to her dead mother.

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