Monday, September 27, 2021

LITERARY: "Love Story" by: Honey Grace Tolentino


Love Story

by: Honey Grace Tolentino


This is my love story.

There’s this guy that I adore so much. Do I love him? Obviously. I wouldn’t be telling this story if I didn’t. He’s the type of guy that you won’t be able to see anywhere, unique in his own beautiful way. He makes me happy, satisfied...and lonely. That won’t leave the picture. Never. Loneliness will always be there when you love someone.

I didn’t think that I would love him. He’s the type of guy that would annoy the hell out of me almost all of the time. He would trip me in the hallways, pull my hair a bit harshly, and always...I mean always, compete with me.

He’s the type of guy who will prank me whenever he has a chance to do so. A guy who will make sure that I’ll never be able to look others in the eye. A guy who always makes me feel insecure and...a guy who will sit right beside me to calm me down whenever I cry. Who will end your days seeing the light if he learned what you did to me.

That’s... him. He does all that because he likes me, And I'd hate to admit it but... I feel the same way. Oh God, I can feel my cheeks burn at the thought. With all the bullying he did you might ask, why did I even fall for him? My answer would be because he saved me so many times more than he bullied me. Is the way I think still normal? Am I still normal? I guess it is.

And inevitably, we start going out. It is a shock for most of our friends when we told them. The first month was blissful, his hand wrapped securely around mine. Then during class, he gives me those small notes with sweet one-liners or pick-up lines. They are cheesy, but I like them. He kept on whispering sweet nothings, I felt the butterflies flutter inside my stomach ready to burst out of my throat, no matter how silly it is for the view of others.

The lights inside the room where everyone we know is in shines brighter than the stars outside. I remain sitting when everyone was anticipating what he would do. He walks down the staircase holding a bouquet of roses. Hundreds of red roses.

He kneeled to the ground then pulled out a ring and said, “Marry me, Julienne.” A stunning smile was plastered on his lips.

I should be happy, right? I should be crying tears of joy...but I’m crying because of this excruciating pain that I’m feeling. My heart feels as if he is clenching it tightly. I couldn’t breathe, and I also couldn’t speak. He looks so dashing in his black suit. I wear a white dress just for this day. Maybe I’m really losing my mind? I show up here in hopes that I would be that person for him.

The flashback of when I am begging him not to leave me, gushes like a river coming to me. A thunder that rings to my ears, a lightning that struck me straight to my heart. A wave that drowned me to my sorrow.

He kneels in front of the woman who is not me, gaze fixed on her as he speaks of words that reveal his feelings for the woman. Is that how he really feels? Before I leave the banquet, I remembered what he told me; "You're an angel, angels shall never take a step inside Hades' castle; but why is it that an angel such as you had stepped foot in this place?"

He belongs to the world where people hardly ever survived—where your life would be at the most dangerous stake once you speak of something you shouldn't have. He is a man no one dared to get near to; an embodiment of truest fears. He’s a devil who would never let me step inside his hell.

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