Monday, September 27, 2021

LITERARY:"The Vow" by Althea Ysabelle S. Calalang

                              "The Vow"

            By: Althea Ysabelle S. Calalang

Alex would describe himself as a normal teenage male who was hardworking, but that was just simplified. He was sixteen and the eldest of four, he was the top student of his year, and many girls took a liking to him; but that's not all that was going on for him. Oh, no, no. His family wasn't very privileged, he attended a private and elite high school, yes, but he was riding on a full academics scholarship. 

Not only that, but Alex started working since he was thirteen to help with his family's expenses. He didn't have to, but he still did because that was the type of person he just was. Ever since he was young, many of his schoolmates had things he was envious of but it was never obvious. Several of his male classmates back then loved to talk about video games, especially the ones that just came up.

With his family's status, they could never give him any type of gaming console, much less a video game. And so, he vowed to create his own gaming console and design his own game from scratch. It was a childish claim, however, he never forgot about it and it keeps him going until this very day. He worked hard while also maintaining his grades, taking care of his younger siblings, and helping with the chores; it was exhausting but he prevailed. He always did. 

Despite everything he was already doing, he also squeezed in learning how to program, code, and fix electronics. Alex had this charming and witty best friend, Eli, who often helped him out by babysitting his younger siblings while he studied. Eli had been his best friend since kindergarten, they were two peas in a pod, never one without the other. 

Alex and Eli, Eli and Alex; the ultimate duo of their high school. Although they were best friends, both were quite different from each other. How, you may ask? I'll tell you why. Alex was the one who was aloof and silently charming, Eli was the bright and cheery charming one. One who was very privileged, and one that wasn't. That never stood in their paths, no matter what, they were always at each other's sides. Never behind or forward, always beside. That was just how they were, always and forever. 

So, here they were, almost ten years later. Eli grinned as he placed some files on the desk, laughing melodically upon hearing the groan coming from the male behind the desk. He drummed his fingers on the files teasingly as his laugh slowly ceased. He shook his head and pointed at the files. "Come on, Alex, you have to get these read and done by tomorrow, Mr. CEO," he told him, Alex rolled his eyes and opened one of the files. "I know. Now, shoo, go back to doing secretary business," he replied, huffing slightly as he flipped to the next page. 

Eli smiled softly and leaned against the desk, throwing his head back as he stared up at the ceiling, humming. "You know what day it is? It's the day you declared to me that you would make your own console and game, and here you are, CEO of your gaming company," he reminisced. His best friend paused his reading and chuckled, smiling warmly. "Yeah. I never thought this day would come so fast," he told him. 

"It's been fifteen years since you made that vow, it was bound to happen."

"Shut up and get back to work."

"Alright, alright. As your secretary, it's my job to make sure you finish reading and signing all those files." 

"Who even made you secretary? Geez."

"You did."

"Ah, right. Well, thanks for being by my side all these years. Always and forever, Eli?"

"Always and forever, Alex."

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