Monday, September 27, 2021

LITERARY: "Siblings" by: Aaliyah Van T. Pineda


 By: Aaliyah Van T. Pineda

Although I have everything, I believe—I live in a large mansion, my family is incredibly wealthy, and our family name is greatly respected, as we are monarchs. What I don't have is the love and attention of my very own parents.

"Mother, it's their 15th birthday, you and Father must stay." My older sister, Aiko, tried to plead with our mother. Although it is my 15th birthday today, alas, our "beloved" parents are far too busy to stay.

However, this is not the first time they did such a thing. It happens almost every year, not just to me, it happens to every one of my siblings. I am the youngest of five, and you would think with that amount of children they would offer more of their time to us, but that is never the case. As long as we are okay and being taken care of, then they don't have to be here, that is the mindset of our parents, or perhaps they never acknowledge us, we never knew the exact reason and possibly we never will, they never tell us anything unless it's to scold or lecture us, or put us down...

Yes, our parents are very neglectful. They are also quite narcissistic, they care so much about our family's reputation, making sure every inch of their children look and act perfectly just so we wouldn't spoil our "perfect" image.

"Aiko, it's alright. Just let them leave, they did the same thing on your 18th birthday last August, it wouldn't be FAIR if the opposite happened on my birthday." I coldly stated as I shot a glare at our mother.

"Do not use that tone, young man," Mother scolded me. "Anyway, your Father and I have much work to attend to, so behave yourselves while we're not here."

Mother instructed a few house attendants before finally leaving, without even greeting me happy birthday. They're always like that, leaving their children under the care of others, we've gotten used to it already. My sister Aiko is the eldest out of all our siblings, she's roughly about three years older than me which makes her 18-years-old.

"I'm sorry Levi, maybe next holiday, hm?" Aiko said as a way to make me feel better, I sighed and walked away to our mansion's garden to get some fresh air. I stepped out and I immediately felt the wind in my hair. I really don't understand... All I ever wanted was their time and attention, yet they can never even give that to me or my siblings. I wish they never neglected us for all those years, I can't even remember the last time they said "I love you" to us. They choose when and when not to spend time with their children, and even if they're free, they always make an excuse that they're resting and that we don't need them or just make up any excuse they can think of.

They care about our image and reputation more than their own children, and nothing we do is good enough for them... As I grew up, they became more distant. And it's not even birthdays they miss, it's every type of holiday.

"Levi," Lee, my older twin brother, called my name behind my back. I turned around and I was met with the same face as mine. "Mother and Father won't be able to stay for our birthday?"

I shook my head at his question. "No, but is it even surprising?"

Lee softly chuckled at my sarcastic question. He approached me and wrapped an arm around me. "Hey, we don't need them to enjoy this day, you and I are 15 now dear brother! Come on, Aimi, Akito, and Aiko cooked for us as a treat."

Akito is Aiko's younger twin sister. Aimi is our sister, the only child amongst us without a twin, and the third eldest. Anyway, I sighed, nodding my head. "Alright, maybe it can lighten the mood."

Lee widely grinned and we began walking to the dining room. Once we finally got there, all the food was already set up. "How did you guys cook this fast?" I asked them in shock. They all looked at each other with cheeky smiles on their faces. "We already started cooking before the two of you woke up, we just had to keep you both away from the dining room." Aimi answered as she approached us.

"Thanks guys." Lee and I said in unison. "Well don't just stand there you two come and eat!" Akito cheerfully exclaimed before taking our hands and dragging us to the table.

Lee and I got picked up our plates (while fighting over who goes first) and got our food before our sisters did. The food they made was delicious, as always, the five of us had a great time even on our own. And well overall, even if our parents are never here if there's one thing I've learned from growing up is that at least I have my siblings with me, they're always here for me and for each other, so we're never alone.

Maybe Mother and Father are right, perhaps we really don't need them, as long as my siblings and I have each other then that's good enough for me.

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