Monday, October 18, 2021

LITERARY: "As the Deer" by: Zoe Alacar

 “As the Deer”

By: Zoe Alacar

As the deer long for streams of freshwater,

I ponder the thought, “Does it even matter?”

The deer moves forward for the prize,

To our surprise, it is like life.

For a short while,

you can have everything you want;

But with just one blink,

you can lose everything you have.

Activities and deadlines around the corner—

“Ma’am, sir, please let me take a breather.”

Friends will stick by your side,

Not until the dispute is nigh.

As the deer look for streams of freshwater,

I ponder the thought, “Will it still matter?”

Everything is lost and there is no hope.

Where is my inspiration? 

I am hopeless.

“Somebody, please give me relief.”

Oh, the grief!

“Is there anyone that’s gonna save the day?”

As the deer noticed the streams of freshwater,

He concluded:

He is not abandoned.

He is not alone.

His friends and family have been by his side—

Cheering him along the disturbing silence:

“You can do this as long as you finish.

There will always be somebody with you because your journey is wide.”

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