Sunday, October 31, 2021

LITERARY: "Closet of Shadows" by Monette Mella

 Narrated by: Darein Catchillar

It was a nice summer day, half past noon. I was alone in the house and I was in my father’s room, casually drawing on the laptop while listening to some music with the headphones on. Then all of a sudden, I felt something eerie… I shrugged it off and continued drawing, but the fear of something was watching me was stuck in my mind. A few minutes had passed and heard something. I slightly lowered the volume of my laptop. I was starting to get anxious and scared. Then again, I heard something --- it was the closet door to my left behind me that started opening by itself little by little. Every creak --- every sound, I ignored them, telling myself not to look back. The creaking of the closet got louder and louder, which meant it was opening wider and wider. I swallowed up my fear and decided to look. I froze as I saw the inside of the closet pitch black with no rays of sunshine going through. It’s not just a dark inside of the closet that I saw, it had a pair of white eyes with a big white grin staring back at me. I quickly looked back at my laptop, removed my headphones as I got up. I walked past the closet only looking at the floor- going straight back to my room closing the door shut behind me. I was so scared, I thought to myself “This is a nightmare -- was I not alone?! No --- it’s just your imagination!” 

We would mostly get this eerie feeling in my dad’s room, not knowing why or what was the cause of it. A few minutes went by, and I gathered up the courage to go and check my dad’s room again, to check if the closet was really opened or it was just an imagination…

I went back, my eyes widened as I saw the closet wide open. It’s a good thing it's next to the door, so I slammed the closet door shut. I opened it again, I was shocked to see my dad’s clothes hanging on the rack and more of his stuff again, I couldn’t believe what I saw… Until now, I’m still questioning what I saw inside my father’s closet… Was I imagining things? Was my head playing tricks on me? Or something was really in there… Watching a from within the shadows of an unseen world...

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