Sunday, October 31, 2021

LITERARY: "Lamprey" (Halloween special) by: Daniel Garcia

 I was dancing with the crowd,

prancing in the mud.

A smile stretched across my face—

Until it wore off;

The day I met the unknown shadow.

Ever since it clung onto my shoulder,

the days felt heavier.

As if my joy was drained.

A heavy burden grabbed me from the depths.

It won't let go no matter how hard I struggle.

My life went dull in this world of hue,

And I was left drowning in the sea of wretched agony and sorrow.

Blade and rope became my best friend;

They accompanied me through hell and high waters.

They became my saviors from these endless tears.

When I became a laughing stock to everybody,

I had no one to turn to but them.

I knew they'd save me from everyone's bullets.

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