Sunday, October 31, 2021

LITERARY:“Caelum Albiorix”(Halloween Special)by:Juliana Agbulos

Those hazel eyes used to be filled with innocence;

With a laugh that sang so beautifully, the birds could break into tears.

She remembered being full of the joys of spring with him— 

In a broad avenue crowded with London planes.

The silvery orb witnessed their exchange of sweet nothings.

And at that moment, she knew he was her mirror soul,

Or so she thought. 

In a blink of an eye, all these flowers withered.

Tranquil days were already gone with the wind,

And heated squabbles became their daily routine. 

She hoped for her starlit skies to come back,

But she knew it would be like getting blood out of a stone.

It was the first day of the autumnal equinox,

When the deafening silence woke her up.

Absolute stillness welcomed her in the kitchen.

She continued to roam around the house only to find no shadows of him.

It’s been a year since he left,

And she still couldn’t get used to mornings without jazz music.

She blankly stared at the window with a wretched heart.

As she sat there alone,

His silhouette started to appear here and there.

She felt so tired battling with these monsters;

These monsters that were slowly eating her up,

And kept haunting her in her sleep.

She already wanted to close her eyes,

But she couldn’t let them win. 

She no longer wished for him to be back.

All she ever wished was for her to see the ethereal sky again.

At the end of the day,

She still believed that she could leave the chains of his ghost behind,

And free herself from the scars of yesterday.

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