Sunday, October 31, 2021

LITERARY: "Nameless Station" By: Arashel Mae Cinco

***[ 11:58 P.M. ]***
 I woke up to the train literally screeching to a halt. It was strange because the one I always took didn't really make much noise. I fell asleep earlier, so I’d been on the train for at least four hours instead of one. There was no one else here. This was weird. Did something happen?

 ***[ 12:03 A.M. ]*** 
I stepped outside, and it was very empty inside the station. It looked old and abandoned. I explored a little, but there was nothing to be found. I checked the map, but I could barely make out the words. Most of it was torn away as well. I was starting to get scared. I didn’t know where I was

. ***[ 12:18 A.M. ]***
 What should I do? This place had no name, and there was no schedule either. This place gave me the creeps. I didn’t think a taxi could come to this place. Should I call the police? 

***[ 12:31 A.M. ]***
 I tried calling the police, but they didn’t believe me. They thought I was pranking them. I just want to get home. Should I try to wait until tomorrow? Was there even a way I could get back home? 

***[ 12:46 A.M. ]***
 There was nothing you could see here at all. It was only flat ground, the rails and this station. There were no plants either. I knew I said I wanted to die before, but I didn’t mean like this... 

***[ 12:51 A.M. ]***
 I just realized my phone was at 2%. This was my only lifeline right now. Today really had to be the day I forgot my power bank.

I would try following the rails back home. I didn’t think signal would be available elsewhere in a place as deserted as this, so this is goodbye for now.
Thanks to all that helped me, I hope I could see you all again.

The moment I clicked ‘post’, my phone shut down. Only the moon and stars can light my way now. I took in a deep breath and looked at the horizon. My feet sunk into the soft ground as I retraced my steps. This would be a long way to go.

The scenery barely changed, but I was only getting more and more tired. 15 minutes had passed. Maybe it had been 30, or it could’ve been an hour. I couldn’t check. I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t want to look back.

I’d felt a pair of eyes baring into me since I started walking. There was no one here, obviously. There shouldn’t be, but the scratching noises convinced me otherwise.

I cursed under my breath, increasing my pace little by little. But no matter how fast I ran, the scratching and clicking noises only got closer. My heart pounded, and I tried my best not to trip and fall.

I almost didn’t notice that the sky had been staying in place.

Eventually, the noises died out. A strong gust of wind blows past, carrying a whisper of a voice in it. It was distant, but it was ear piercing. The wind told me to ‘look back, it was safe.’ It rang in my ears over and over, and I gave in to temptation when I dropped my phone.

I picked it up, and I took a peek behind me. There was a strange figure far away. It was the upper half of a woman’s body, crawling rapidly towards me using her two arms. She got close to me before it disappeared, and it all happened in a second.

I was confident to say that I had never been so terrified in my life. Covering my ears, I dashed away, blocking out the whispers of the wind. Listening to it was a mistake.

When the adrenaline rush died out, a bench appeared in perfect timing. I sat down and closed my eyes for a minute. It feels... safer here. I hope I never see that thing again.

The moment I thought I could relax, I couldn’t. Something scratches my shoe and begins panting as a dog would. I try not to pass out, mumbling prayers to whichever God was listening. Please, just let it be an insect.

I studied the sky first as I mentally prepared myself, and I noticed that it seemed different. It felt different.

Maybe it was just me, but everything got darker and the moon was smaller as if it got farther away. The stars didn’t shine as brightly and there were fewer of them. Some were even dripping down like paint. Was my mind playing tricks on me?

After 3 minutes of distraction, I was reminded of the thing as it scraped my foot again. I couldn’t tell if it was worse or not than the last. I guess God heard but misinterpreted my prayer because while it was an insect; it wasn’t the one I was hoping for.

It was a gigantic spider with a human head biting my shoe. Like the woman before, it disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving a puff of black smoke.

Ignore it, ignore it. You were hallucinating. That was nothing at all. I laughed to myself as if it would ease the unbearable fear and panicked state I was in. I stood up, ready to set off when I noticed the floor was different. Give me a break...

My shoes tapped against the hard tiles instead of squishing into dirt. I was in a train station again. Had I been dreaming this whole time?

I looked at the horizon. I was in the same place, maybe, but the mountains were swaying and moving opposite my direction. The sky looked dimmer, and the moon was nowhere to be found. A tumbleweed passed by, kicking up dust from the dried field.

The details clicked together and my heart dropped when I realised that I was in the same place I started. I’d never moved at all. The mountains were distorted to form an illusion of movement. I had been trapped here.

Out of nowhere, the atmosphere becomes hot as powerful gusts of wind flow through and around me. Was this what hell like?

What detached me from my thoughts was a train screeching deafeningly to a halt. It was tall, taller than any train I’d seen before. The doors were double my height, with the train itself being triple. It barely had any windows or doors and stretched to what seemed like forever. Where in the world did it come from?

But it was either I die in this empty field or survive wherever this train will take me. I didn’t know the destination, but it was my only choice. To convince me further, the scratching and clunking noises came back.

The train doors opened, and I rushed to get inside. The moment I sat down, the lights shut off and all became black.

***[ 3:33 A.M. ]***

The train was lit with a saturated red. I didn’t know if I fell asleep or how long it had been since I got in. All I knew was now, everything was coloured in bright red.

I was supposed to be alone, obviously. There shouldn’t be anyone else here, but the ambient whispering noises gave me a different answer. I rubbed my eyes, letting them get used to the new lighting. I wasn’t expecting to see the creature I saw earlier when my eyes finally focused.

The spider with a human head was running around the floor in circles and going up the walls. The lower half of a human torso sat in front of me, bleeding out as it swayed its legs.

The giant spider jumped on my shoulder and crawled to the ceiling. The torso-less woman was clinging on to the ceiling with her inhumanely long fingernails, looking down at me with jet black ink flowing from her eyes.

She gave me a sharp, toothy grin before her tears dropped into my eyes and blinded me. The last thing I remember was a sharp sensation wrapping and sinking into my neck, and my breath stopped with a loud crack.

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