Sunday, October 31, 2021

LITERARY: "Heathen" by: Lorraine D. Villete

 Ever so lovingly, you held me in your arms.

Almost every night, as if you never want to let go.

No amount of blistering winds would dare touch me—not when you kept me ever so warm in your embrace, my love.

Sweet nothings, fulfilling promises;

All those whispered into my ear every night as your sobs echoed.

You couldn't imagine a life without me—a light tickling sensation streaked down my skin.

Warm, wet, oddly thick. My love, are you crying once again?

I would never dream of leaving you—I love you!

Everything served in front of me on a golden plate; with you as the finest cook in town.

You've always had your ways of keeping me by your side.

Sometimes I question what is it that makes you so irresistible that it commends me to stay.

Perhaps it is because you've embedded yourself in my thoughts;

Stuck in a haze of nothingness, only you.

Only you, who own every part of me, snarled once before the world began to blackout for me.

How can I possibly leave the man I love?

Not when he's held me so protectively in bed, whispering a hypnotic chant of endless love proposals.

The dampness on my skin now trickled down the sheets, staining it in a beautiful shade of red.

After all, I'll never know about the psychopath lying next to me;

Forever haunting him, there's no way out.

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