Sunday, October 31, 2021

LITERARY: "The Random Dream of Afternoon" By: John Rolly Cedillo

Narrated by: Cristian Jade Tulisana

I went to sleep to get some rest and not to waste my afternoon of boredom; I had a dream that was confusing but calm; my dream automatically placed me by a river and that river appeared to be familiar...oh, yes, the river where we used to hang out before, with my cousins. We went there to take a swim when I was younger, but it was weird. Why am I dreaming of this place? Why did the river flow in an opposite way? It wasn’t normal. There are a lot of decomposing dead bodies floating and drifting with me by the flow of the water, passing by the trees that had hanging dead human bodies. I immediately left the river, panicking about crossing the metal-wired fence. Until I found a small hole in the fence large enough to fit my body, and I crossed out... away from the river. Finally, I woke up and escaped from that nightmare, but I couldn’t stop thinking about it.


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