Tuesday, November 23, 2021

LITERARY: "Be." by: Kryztelle Tugado


Classification: Poetry

Theme: Life

Synopsis: A poem about living with a purpose, detached from the bothers of the afterlife.

Thou shall not cower before the uncertainty 

of departing from existence. 

Steer clear of hiding your face from the light of the day,

querulous of being nifty. 

Go out on a limb and seize in lieu. 

Fear not, for there is a conqueror in you.

May your knees only tremble in fright 

of being impuissant in the course of your vicious circle. 

Of not getting a sniff of petrichor, 

and losing dominance as the world decides to be ungentle. 

Pinch yourself the moment you rise short of aim;

heart unfounded of what was once a raging flame. 

Mourn your soul, the one who has forgotten the tingles 

that left the creases on your face. 

Spit out the bitter lies you forced yourself to swallow, 

The taste of regretting the past you could’ve saved would be such a disgrace.

Published by: Kim Ashley Masagca
Date published: November 23, 2021
Time published: 4:48 pm

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