Monday, November 29, 2021

LITERARY: "Circumstances" by Aaliyah Van T. Pineda

Classification: Prose

Theme: Romance

Sypnosis: Our main protagonist was a man who was struggling to move on from the death of his pregnant lover. Until one night, he met a woman he immediately fell for, but because of certain circumstances, he struggled to form a romantic relationship with her.

I was a 22-year-old man and an active service member of the military. They rely on me quite heavily because of my strength and skills. I also have an adopted daughter at home, I adopted her two years ago. And that little devil was very spoiled with my love for her to the point where she gets easily jealous if other women were to be interested in me, you could say that she just wanted me for herself.

I lost my pregnant girlfriend a long time ago, she died along with the baby, ever since then I thought romance would always be out of the question for me, especially because I was a very busy man and had a love-spoiled daughter on my plate that was not helping my case.

Until one night, I was invited to a three-day gathering at a private hotel and that was when I met a woman named Maria, she was a close ally of my military and had done many good things for it. She was from Wales and traveled to London for a business trip. Maria was a beautiful and stunning woman so obviously, a lot of men were trying to win her praise, on the other hand, I was very disinterested because I'd had enough women trying to get me to court them.

She suddenly approached me and tried to make conversation, I ignored her but after two or three minutes I, all of a sudden, became interested in what she was saying. Our first night together was rather interesting. Maria told me she had no spouse, like me, and had no children of her own and she was basically married to her job, she was very similar to me...

It was like she understood me, usually, women who aren't related to me were after me because of my looks. But Maria just wanted to have a conversation with someone similar to her.

"Quite frankly as much as I want to engage in a romantic relationship I don't think I'll ever have the time, given my field of work it's almost as if my job IS my romantic partner, " she said to me with a chuckle. "Although... if I ever needed a partner, would you be my significant other?" Maria continued with a seductive smirk. Despite her hard-working demeanor she still had the faint attitude of a flirtatious woman, but for some reason, I liked that about her.

The two of us talked for a few months before I finally realized that I was being a fool for not realizing my growing feelings for her. And then one night, Maria told me she wanted to be with me. Despite my feelings, I didn't know what to answer because I knew we could never be together.

Given our circumstances, Maria lived in another state far away from London and the two of us are far too busy for a relationship, not to mention that I already had a daughter that was very possessive of me. And...after what happened to my past lover, I don't think I could ever date again. And I don't think I was ready to be in another love story. feelings for Maria were strong and she felt the same, and so we agreed to date until she returns back to her hometown. The two of us made most of the time we had together, and as for my daughter, she said she was okay with anything that makes me happy and so I think she didn't mind me going on dates with Maria.

Before Maria left, I said that maybe one day in the future we can be together always, just not now, not with our circumstances. She kissed me one last time before leaving. Even now I was still not sure what would happen in the future. Would we see each other again? Perhaps.

But for now, we managed to make the best of our time together. And I wouldn't mind not being with Maria in the future, our short moments with each other are more than enough to satisfy me.

Published by: Lloyd Agbulos

Date published: November 29, 2021

Time published: 10:48 am

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