Monday, November 29, 2021

LITERARY: Forsaken by: Lorraine D. Villete

Classification: Poetry

Theme: One-sided love

Synopsis: Unspoken words that the other will never know of; kept secret while in sorrow—you prospered while I fell.

Should I be upset?

Will I allow my heart to be consumed by this silent, crushing ache?

Or go hit reset—

So that everything—the agonizing pain, would be erased.

I adored this brunette;

But loving him drove me insane,

Like an idle marionette.

My heart was moved by its own chains.

Messed with tear droplets,

Words that I am unable to contain—

I write with the utmost regret,

Of the confession you will never obtain.

Though I chose this lane,

Loving you was indeed my greatest mistake.

Yet I was fooled by the image I was stained—

Of the future where you actually stayed.

I would not forget; in fact, I will never forget—

Of the night, our love was proclaimed.

Though it was vague,

In my heart, it would always be there.

A piercing arrow impaled in my chest;

Butterflies are dying, and their colors are fading.

There's no need to explain,

Of my heart being in vain.

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