Sunday, November 7, 2021

LITERARY: “Not For Show” by: Jemina Gonzalez

CW/TW// Gore, Murder, Violence, and Blood

“Eight in the evening?” Yohan asked over the phone.

“Yup, I've told everyone about it already,” Shane answered.

“Okay, where will we meet, though?” replied Yohan.

“Uh, Can we meet by your house? So like… can you drive us there?” Shane asked, not sure if he should've had.

“Sure, be here by 7:30 or earlier,” Yohan said.

“Nice, see you tomorrow then,” Shane said. 

Tomorrow came and it was already 7 o'clock in the evening. Braxton was walking to Yohan's house, street lights guiding him. Living in the same neighborhood was convenient for them. 

Finally, Braxton reached his destination. He then rang the doorbell. 

“One sec!” Yohan shouted from inside their house. 

The gate opened and Braxton walked in. Shane and Trevor were already there, playing video games. Moments after he arrived, there was another ring from the doorbell.

“That must be Ken,” Yohan said as he ran outside the house to the gate.

“So, are we gonna go there now?” asked Ken.

“Wait a moment, we're just gonna finish this game!” Shane said.

“But it's already 7:40,” Ken replied.

“We're gonna finish any moment— oh, it's finished. Let's go," Shane told them as he grabbed his bag.

“I'll go start the car,” Yohan said.

“Can I drink some water first?” Braxton asked.

“Yeah sure, you know where the fridge is,” Yohan replied, grabbing his keys.

Later on, they were all in the car, on the way to a carnival in their town. It was made specially for the Halloween season. 

Foster the People's “Pumped Up Kicks” was playing on the radio. Suddenly, the car engine stopped completely.

“What? You've got to be kidding me!” Yohan said in dismay.

“Why? What happened?” Ken asked.

“We ran out of fuel,” Trevor, who was sitting in the front seat, said.

“Really? In the middle of the damn road?” Shane said.

“I think I have extra petrol in the trunk." Yohan got out of the car. 

Deafening car honks came from behind them. He grabbed the gallon of petrol and started filling the fuel tank. 

After a few moments, he finished and got back inside the car. Their journey to the carnival continued. As they got closer to their destination, the vehicles around them got fewer… and fewer… and fewer. They were the only ones in the road, along with some flickering street lights.

At last! After what felt like forever, they saw the lively and bright lights of the carnival. The music from the carnival got clearer as they drove near… a music which clowns often use.

“The show must be starting already!” said Braxton excitedly. All of them cheered as Yohan drove faster.

The car stopped and they all stepped outside. They ran inside the circus tent, but something felt off… they were the only ones inside. Except for one… no, two people on stage. 

A clown, and something that looked like a person without its head. Was it a person? Or was it just a prop?

“Cool prop you got there!” Yohan exclaimed . 

The clown looked in their direction and threw something towards them. It didn't hit them, but as it rolled slowly where they were, that was when they realized they should've gone home when they ran out of fuel.

They started to smell the stench of the whole area.

“I-I think that's not a… prop,” Braxton said, trying his best not to shake.

The clown slowly formed a sinister grin on its face as the head of the other person on stage rolled towards the five boys. It was, in fact, not a prop. It was a real decapitated head, drenched in human blood.

They couldn't move. They stared at the dead person's head, its eyes full of terror.


A sound came from their front. It was the clown, who jumped off the stage. It was carrying a chainsaw full of blood, the same blood from the head in front of them.

Reverberating thunks filled the tent as the lights of the audience area turned on. To their horror, it was full of dead bodies. Some beheaded, some missing one or all of their limbs, some seemed like they were tortured to death and were unrecognizable.

And that was when they knew that they would be the next victims of this bloody carnival.

The clown started walking towards them, gradually increasing its speed.

“RUN!” Trevor bellowed.

All of them ran back to the car as the clown chased after them. Yohan locked the doors and started the engine once again.

“IT WON'T START!” Yohan said angrily as the clown got nearer to them. Someone must've tampered the engines, he thought.

“We have to run outside this place,” Shane said, panic started to arise in his chest . 

“And leave the car!?” Yohan asked him.

“Yes! We're gonna leave the goddamn car if we want to live!” Shane said as he unlocked the car.

“Fine!” Yohan opened the and ran together with his friends, running towards the road. 

“Can anyone... call the police? My phone doesn't have a signal,” Braxton asked them.

“Neither does mine,” Trevor answered. 

“We're done for,” Yohan said as he put his phone back in his pockets.

“Ken, what about you? Do you have a signal on your phone?” Shane asked him.

“It won't even open,” Ken told him.

“Let's just keep on running, and maybe hitchhike once we're on the main road,” Trevor told them.

“Yeah, that's the only choice we have,” Shane said between deep breaths.

“You've gotta be kidding me,” Braxton said as soon as he noticed that they were back at the carnival.

“We've been running for ages! What are we doing here?” Yohan sighed out of frustration.

The lights on the stage turned on again.

“Welcome! This show is exclusively for you! Have a seat and enjoy!” a jolly looking clown on stage said.

At a blink of an eye, they were seated as if they were tied to their chairs.

All of them tried to escape, but it was all in vain. 

“Now, now, don't run. You're going to enjoy this!” the clown told them.

The lights turned off. The sound of an old projector starting filled the tent and a show started on screen. It's a video clip captured from a window. 

They all looked at Trevor, who immediately looked away from the screen.

It was Trevor— stabbing their late friend, Ethan, to death.

“This is… edited, right?” Shane asked Trevor, but he didn't answer.

“Trevor, tell us!” Yohan said, his voice rising, tears formed in his eyes.

Again, no answer was heard from Trevor. He didn't look at them, he didn't speak. 

“WHY?” Braxton asked in rage. The feeling of being glued to his seat disappeared as he stood up and grabbed Trevor by the collar of his shirt. But still, Trevor remained silent.

“Trevor, tell us! Please!” Ken pleaded.


“All I wanted… was for us to live,” Trevor sobbed as Braxton let go of him. “I wanted to save us, to end his plans. I didn't want to kill him, I just wanted to stop him. BUT HE TRIED TO KILL ME WHEN I FOUND OUT, SO WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?” Trevor fell on his knees.

“What are you talking about?” Shane asked him.

Four years ago, on a Saturday evening, Trevor was eating his dinner when he saw his housemate, Ethan, acting weirdly. 

“Hey, you good?” he asked. But there's no reply from his friend. Ethan immediately walked inside his room and locked the door.

“Weird,” Trevor muttered as he finished his dinner.

He then heard a maniacal laughter from Ethan's room. What's up with him? Trevor thought. He stood up from his seat and quietly walked towards the door of his housemate. But the floorboards made so much noise that stepping slowly was no use.

“Soon, we're gonna be together… forever. Once I kill all of you, I will join you in the afterlife.”

“What were you saying?!” Trevor knocked the door down. He wished he didn't. What he saw shocked him.

Ethan was holding a photo of Trevor, Shane, Yohan, Ken, and Braxton on his left hand. A knife on the other. He tried to hide it but it was too late, Trevor already saw him.

“Oh, it seems like the first one is here,” Ethan said with a sinister grin on his face. 

He then advanced towards Trevor with full force. But he was ready, Trevor defended himself and quickly stole the knife from Ethan's grasp. He pushed Ethan towards the bed and started stabbing him.

But Ethan never meant the words he said. He never planned to murder them. He was just pulling a silly prank on Trevor, which led to his death. He was about to say that it was just a prank but was taken aback by Trevor advancing towards him.

Trevor never knew, and so did the other guys.

“It's time for me to atone for my sins,” Trevor told them as the sound of chainsaw started again.

“Trevor, what?” Yohan asked him. Trevor didn't look back at him, instead he ran towards the mad clown.

“TREVOR, NO! WE CAN THINK OF A BETTER WAY! YOU CAN'T DIE HERE!” Shane shouted at him, but that didn't stop Trevor from running away.

Yohan ran after him, trying to catch up. 

The clown gladly raised its chainsaw as Trevor got closer… and—


The clown faced the policemen, all of their guns aimed at the clown.

“PUT YOUR WEAPON DOWN!” one of the policemen bellowed.

The clown slowly put his chainsaw down and put his hands in the air.

“You are under arrest to the suspicion of multiple counts of murder for the past few weeks. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time,” one of the policemen told the clown as four of them approached it.

Trevor looked at his friends one more time before speaking. 

“Uh, officer? I am going to confess my crime. I have committed murder too… four years ago. Please, take me as well… my conscience… it—” 

“If you are willing, you will be interrogated for further details. This would be taken to court for legal action,” the officer told him. Trevor nodded.

The four guys all stood there, watching as the policemen took the clown and their friend away. 

“Can we ask you some questions?” a female officer approached them. They all nodded and walked with the officer towards the police car. 

Ambulances and other police cars came to the scene. The four of them met with Trevor's eyes for the last time as he got inside the police car.

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