Monday, November 29, 2021

LITERARY: Unsure By:Zoe Alacar

Classification: Poetry

Theme: Broken-hearted

Synopsis: The persona is describing a man who did numerous acts of gesture for “his lady” that only lead him being unsure with his affection towards her.

  I, myself, thought you were the one,

The desire to hold onto you once more;

Indulging in my fantasy—

In this lifetime, I want to spend it only with you.

You treat me like I’m your world,

But your words were coerced;

I guess to me, you were a coward,

Who wasn’t sure of who he desired.

I was patient with loving you,

Your flaws and deficiencies,

The worries you constantly tell me;

Together with all your insecurities.

To me,

You were imperfectly perfect.

And I loved you with my whole being,

But fate had a different destiny.

You were not the one that God gave me,

Even if I pleaded to the Almighty;

“Please make him stay with me.”

Perhaps, I was happy with you—

Nonetheless, you didn’t feel the same way as I do.

Only time could tell,

If I’d also spend the afterlife with you;

And this time I know—

You’ll love me the way I do.

Published by: Keith Alphonsus A. Ambuya

Date published:November 29,2021

Time published:3:03 PM

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