Monday, November 29, 2021

LITERARY: "Unluckily Wishes" by: Airah Nazhyna

Classification: Prose

Theme: Fantasy and Drama

Synopsis: There was a fairy who aimed to grow their wings and to have a high position so that she could protect her family. But then, when she entered the real world and personally met her person named Marcus, circumstances started to happen and things between her and Marcus’ wishes got complicated.


Once upon a time, there was a world wherein all of the fairies came from, granted people's wishes. It helped them to grow their wings and to have a high position in their world so that they could protect each of their family without getting executed by their government. Because, in their world, if they picked a fight with the government leaders without having a position in their place, they would lose and what was worse was they would be executed. They must follow their rules and they did not have any right to say no or to violate one of the rules.

The rules were:

1. Fairies could only visit the real world once a year, and if they fail to do so, once they reach the real world for the second time, they would no longer be able to find a portal on their way back home.

2. They won't have any right to pick a fight with other fairies especially if they were involved in their political team, or else they would be giving them punishment and what was worse was that they would be facing their death.

3. They could only give three wishes to the person they would choose in the real world. If they fail to do so, the person who asked for more than three wishes would experience hardships in life.

*23rd of December, Fairaniahn World*

The sun shone in the brilliant atmosphere of Fairaniahn World, the fairies' home. There were different types of houses there; the tall ones were where the King and Queen stayed. The structure of the cabin they had was slightly different from what people had in the real world, the garden was full of flowers that were pleasing in their eyes, and the fresh air they would feel when the wind touched their skin.

"Christmas Eve is almost here and so is your birthday, Fizielyka!" her mother said as she combed her daughter's hair.

"Yeah... and today's the day where I will visit the world of humans," she said as she released a small sigh.

"Why? What's wrong? Don't you want to grow your beautiful wings and to have a high position so that you can protect yourself?" her mother asked her.

Fizielyka refuses to answer those questions. Meanwhile, her mom gave her instructions since it was the first time that her daughter would be far away from her side. She gave her kisses and hugs, reminding her daughter why she had to do it and what was her real purpose to motivate her.

"Please, have patience. Humans are different; their perception of understanding is different from us, darling. You just need to accomplish three wishes and you're heading home," her mother said. She gave her mom a nod and a warm tight hug.

"PLEASE ALL OF THE ASSIGNED FAIRIES THAT WILL GO OUT TODAY, FALL IN LINE TO YOUR RESPECTIVE TEAM!" the announcer said as he counted the number of the registered fairies in the system so that they could monitor all of them on how many wishes they would grant.

"See you on Christmas Eve, mom. I love you." Fizielyka said as she entered the portal. Her mom bid her goodbye as well as she waved her hand while she was leaving and entering the portal to the human world.

*8:00 am*

*23rd of December, Human World*

“We’re here!” the announcer shouted as he helped the fairies come out to their vehicle that called *fittcar*.

Fizielyka moved as she went down on *fittcar *as well as her team and the other teams. She helped herself to carry her backpack. The announcer bid them goodbye as he went back to their world. Fizielyka and their team started to work to find their person. After a while, her other teammates already found theirs, while there she was, still looking. She flew and tried to entertain herself while she was looking for the right person.

A breeze of the wind commanded her to look on her right side, there were different people she saw. There was a kid who was playing with her friends, there was a guy who was smoking and catcalling the girls that walked in front of him, there was an old lady selling his fruits but she was getting the little girl’s money then if the girl refuses to give it to her, she would hit her with her hand. And, lastly, there was this man standing in front of the pole that crossed the pedestrian lane. He looked so decent with his clothes. He was wearing a polo with minimal colour and some trousers. He had dark brown hair, an eyeglass, and a simple silver necklace on his neck.

“Is he my person?” she asked herself.

She just shook her head and came closer to that guy. His scent becomes comforting and maybe a source of a positive feeling. As she entered his backpack, she stayed close and found a comforting place wherein she could rest.

“You disappoint me again, Marcus!” a deep voice of a man crushed on her ear as he shouted to a guy named Marcus.

She got curious so she peeks and saw an old man standing in front of her person.

*So, my person’s name is Marcus…*

*But why did he shout at Marcus? What did Marcus do that disappointed this old man? And who was this old man?*

*Could it be his father… or uncle?*

“Go home and pack your things. You’re leaving tonight!” the old man said.

Marcus didn’t hesitate and he started to walk out like he didn't even care what this old man said to him. He started to walk fast, and she could feel the tension inside of him. He was so frustrated and afraid at the same time. She could sense his feelings; it was heavy inside.

Marcus walked towards his car and took off his backpack to place it on the passenger seat as he went to the driver's seat. Fizielyka couldn’t stop herself from being curious about the things she saw in her environment, it overwhelmed her. She stared at Marcus' side profile, she was mesmerized by each corner of his face, even the mole on his jawline caught her attention, however, she tried to sneak out on his bag, but she couldn’t since she was too afraid that Marcus might see her and freak out.

She was about to go back to her hiding spot but then the car speed became slower than how it was a while ago and as she looked up, she saw a big hand coming inside through the bag, she stood up and immediately flew and went out of the bag but then Marcus glanced at her.

*It’s not the time yet… But he already saw me*

“I will not hurt you please don—” before she could finish her sentence, Marcus tried to hit her but luckily, she dodged his hand.

Marcus lost his focus on the road as he tried to hit Fizielyka with his hand but still, she was dodging every time that he hit her.

“Who are you?! How come you’re inside of my backpack without me noticing it?!” Marcus shouted all his questions to Fizielyka, and he started to pray like a desperate man who was not yet ready to face the King of Death.

“THE ROAD!!” Fizielyka shouted as the truck came in front of them.

*This is not a good idea…*

*He seems so shocked, well yeah, I understand that it was his first time to encounter a creature like me so he really has the right to react that way *

Marcus was able to avoid the truck, but they almost got into a car accident. For her, she could easily fly but her person could not, so she must stay by his side until he completed his three wishes and then after that, he was no longer her responsibility. He stopped the engine as he parked it on the side of the road, still looking at her. She could tell that Marcus was so ready to hit her once she moved her wings.

“What are you?” he asked.

Fizielyka looked away, trying to dodge his question and his hand.

“Promise me first that you won't hit me if I move or even talk,” she said.

Marcus slowly lowered his hand but also secured himself to make sure that the fairy wou

ld not hurt him. Fizielyka came closer to him and sat on his car's steering wheel and directly faced him, she stared into his eyes for a second before answering the question he asked.

“I am Fizielyka, and I am a fairy. I came from Fairaniahn World, it is a world wherein we fairies called it home. It’s been a decade since my ancestors introduced and made a portal to where we can visit the humans, you, your world and grant people's wishes," she said.

“Why? Why did you want to grant people wishes?” Marcus asked.

“We visit your world once a year, specifically in the Christmas month. I am here because it’s almost Christmas, Marcus! And not only the humans who can grant wishes, but we also could too,” she stated.

“Oh! Y-yeah. What is the date today?” Marcus peeks a glance at his cell phone.

“C’mon, don’t tell me you didn’t notice that it's the 23rd of December today?” Fizielyka chuckled as she flew through his hair but then Marcus almost hit her, fortunately, she dodged it, again.

“Oh… shoot!”

“I did forget it! How come I forget that it’s almost Christmas… I guess I'm being too hard on myself and didn’t pay much attention to what's happening around me. My focus is on how I can make my daddy proud of me,” Marcus stated every word with a pessimistic tone and frowned his head.

“That’s why I am here. I am sorry but when I was about to find a safe place in your backpack to hide a while ago, I heard what your daddy said," Fizielyka said.

Marcus released a soft sigh and looked at Fizielyka while she was in awe of each corner of his car. He told Fizielyka that he needed to go home immediately, she just nodded off and remembered what his dad said a while ago.

“You only have three wishes to make,” Fizielyka said

“Why me?” He asked.

“To be honest, when I first saw you, I had this feeling that pushed me towards you and helped you. I trust my instincts, Marcus,” she said as she smiled.

“Will you grant anything that I’ll wish for?” He asked.

Fizielyka smiled as she held a strand of his hair. Minutes passed, and they finally got home. She was so captivated by his enormous house; she couldn’t take her eyes off it. The glass structure had taken her soul out from her, she felt like she was in an unusual world, the houses of humans are indeed different from what they have in their world.

Marcus took himself out of his car and walked inside of the house, holding his backpack where Fizielyka stayed. When Marcus stopped walking, Fizielyka took a glance at the zipper of his backpack, and she saw a minimal colour of his bedroom, and the bed size he had was good for maybe five people?

“I heard you’re leaving tonight," Fizielyka said to break the silence. She went out on his backpack and stayed on his table on the right corner of his bed.

“Speaking of that…you say you’re willing to grant any wish that I will ask you to, right?” Marcus asked while wandering beside his bed.

Fizielyka nodded, “Yes. Why? Do you already have your first wish?” she asked.

“I want to change my dad’s mind. I want him to let me stay here in the Philippines, can you do that? Please, I don’t want to be far away from my mom. We became a broken family since things between them got complicated and got worse day by day. They say they’re not happy with each other and that they can't understand each other anymore until this dream house became a part of our memories and I’m keeping those in my arms up until now, I don’t want to leave my home…” Marcus stated as he wiped his tears that kept plummeting down on his eyes.

Fizielyka felt his sadness. At the first glance, Marcus seemed like an arrogant person who was cold and didn't care about anything that was happening around him; He had everything he could have in his world, they had money, he could study, his future was secured, all his desires and wants are provided by his parents. But here was the twist, he had a broken family, and it affected him not just physically but mostly, mentally.

“Manifesting, wishes are coming,

Ain’t playing, just loving,

Sorrows are leaving,

In their soul that’s living,

Do the sparkle, stop the beating,

Fizielyka’s dust will swing!”

Fizielyka chanted as her pixie dust shined inside of Marcus' bedroom. Every corner of his bedroom was gleaming because of the light that Fizielyka was releasing on her hand and Marcus seemed so fascinated by all that Fizielyka was doing in his bedroom, it was so relaxing. The light was just like the stars in the magnificent sky.

“Don’t expect something because, in the end, you’ll get nothing,” Fizielyka stated.

“We should wait for your dad, any minute now he’s going to change his mind. But I am just curious… why did he want you to leave the Philippines? What did you do that make him so disappointed?” she asked.

“I failed to convince my mom to celebrate Christmas with us in New York,” he said.

“He wants me to leave the Philippines whenever I disappoint him because he thinks that I’m just an unworthy son who can’t give him his hoping for...a complete family on Christmas,” he added. “I tried my best to convince my mom because that’s what I’m yearning too, but she still refuses to meet us. She’s always saying that she couldn’t join or accept our invitation every Christmas because her friends already invited her first, but I know that deep inside she’s just not ready yet to see my dad after all that happened to them,” he continued.

“It doesn't require a great deal of work to track down bliss, Marcus,” Fizielyka said.

Marcus’ phone rang. “Is that your dad?” she asked. Marcus showed a fake smile as he nodded and answered his phone.

He walked through his terrace to talk with his father, and he looked like he wanted to talk to his dad privately, so Fizielyka didn’t bother to follow him on the terrace. She patiently waited on what would be the news. She wondered that what if it was about on Marcus’ wish a while ago. She peeked a glance at him, he looked calm and peaceful while talking to his dad, minutes had passed, Marcus walked inside to his bedroom again with his comfortable smile. He looked happy.

“He changed his mind!!” he shouted and jumped on his bed just like how a young child would do if they were given a pack of candies.

“H-how? How did you do that? Is this for real? Oh, my goodness!” The joy in his face tells it all how is he feeling right now. “What did he say?” she asked him.

“He says that he cannot handle the business alone, he needs me to guide the company,” he said. “That’s good! He trusts you, maybe he’s still in pain whenever you talk about your mom or if your mom crosses his mind. Knowing that she wouldn’t come back home hurts him a lot that’s why he said those things to you,” Fizielyka explains.

“Yeah, about that…”

“Can I have my second wish now?” he asked as he caressed his nape.

Fizielyka giggled as she saw the expression that Marcus made. He looked like a child who was asking for permission to play outside. She barely remembered that they must go back to their world by tomorrow afternoon before Christmas Eve. So, she must hurry by granting her person’s wishes.

“Sure,” she answered.

“I want my mom and dad to be with me on Christmas, I want us to be complete,” he said.

Fizielyka repeated her chant as her pixie dust sprinkled again all over Marcus' bedroom. She needed to balance the energy she was releasing from herself so that she won’t lose the power that was coming from her wings.

She finished her chant as she slowly touched Marcus' hand with her tiny ones. Marcus smiled at her. He seemed so comfortable now, unlike what happened in the car. Marcus looked excited to know what would happen, he knew that it was too much for the normal wishes of the other children but it was very understandable that he treasured his family so much. He could’ve just let their fates continue, but the love for his family was unconditional.

Time checked: 11:11 pm

It was almost midnight and things looked so lightly weighted than what it was before. Marcus’ aura has become more delighted and happier while Fizielyka got a second hand of happiness. She appreciated the feeling of helping other people to make their wishes come true, Marcus was just too pure and deserved to have his wishes granted. Midnight had passed, Marcus and Fizielyka fell asleep.

24th of December, Human World

6:00 am

“Marcus!!” a woman shouted while knocking on Marcus' door. Fizielyka was alarmed by her knock on the door that was why she also tried to wake Marcus up. It looked like it was important news.

“Marcus...” Fizielyka whispered in his ear. He felt the small breath she released.

“Hmm?” he muttered.

“There’s someone knocking on your door, a girl,” she said.

“Could be our maid. Stop panicking, it’s 6:00 am in the morning and you’re freaking out.” He whispered.

“Duh, what if it's your mom?” she confidently asked him.

“Okay, fine. Chill out!” Marcus said.

Marcus got off of his bed and walked towards the door to check the woman who was currently knocking on the door. She followed him but hid in a corner where they couldn’t easily see her if ever there was a person who would enter his room. Fizielyka watched him as he slowly opened the door, he was about to scold the person who kept knocking on his door but he just stood there like a wall and didn’t do anything but stare at that woman. He looked at Fizielyka but she only gave him a shrug because even she didn’t have any idea who was that woman was, not until she said something.

“Marcus, baby!” she shouted.

“M-mom... is that you?!” he said and jumped to his mother's open arms and gave her a soft warm hug. “Of course, who else it could be? Are you expecting someone today?” his mother asked Marcus shook his head. “Please, come in. But, how? Why... why are you here mom?” he asked his mom while holding her hand and walking towards his sofa.

“Don’t you like it when I’m here?” she asked.

“No... no, mom! It’s just...” he said, trailing off. “You feel strange?” her mother asked him again. “No mom, I’m just...shocked but at the same time happy!” he beamed.

“I came here to celebrate Christmas with you... and your dad,” she calmly said while caressing Marcus’ hair. “But, mom... are you really okay about this?” Marcus asked her. “Of course! I will think of this as your birthday gift. I can separate my personal feelings just to make you happy and feel complete,” she replied, smiling at him.

*Wait... birthday? Marcus and I have the same date of birth?*

As time went by Marcus and his mom went to the grocery store to buy some foods that they would be having later for Christmas Eve and her clock was also ticking in this world, she was also excited to meet her mom. Patiently waiting for his 3rd wish. Meanwhile, when they got home Marcus talked to her.

“Thank you. How can I pay you back? This is more than what I expected!” he excitedly said to her.

“I want to give you a hug, but I couldn't,” he said.

“Did you forget that I’m a fairy? That’s our job and you, the people just have to say your wishes!” Fizielyka said.

“I would like my third wish to be about myself,” he confidently said with a big smile on his mouth. “That’s good to know! I’m happy for you also. You got your family back before Christmas,” she said.

Before Marcus said his last wish for this Christmas, someone called him. Fizielyka looked away and started to be enthralled again by the sky, it looked calm but somehow it felt like the sky was holding heavy feelings that in any second it would release its tears and cause cold weather, perfect for Christmas.

“Fizielyka...” Marcus called me. She looked at him and gave him a big smile. “You ready for your last wish?” she asked. “No. My father called me,” he said.

“Then?” She muttered.

“Our business is losing money; the suppliers won’t allow us to pay monthly and we’re also losing our customers. That’s my dad’s dream, he gave his effort and time just to build that business. I don’t want to see him losing it now, Fizielyka.”

Marcus looked so frustrated about the things that happened.

“Marcus please—” A notification from Marcus’ phone made Fizielyka stop talking. Please, be the good news. Fizielyka starts to worry because when he looked at Marcus, she saw him crying over the phone. It looked like he was reading something over the phone.

“No, not now. Please, take back what you said. It’s not me! Don’t do this to me,” Marcus saidto himself while sobbing over the phone. “What’d you got?! Why are you crying?” Fizielyka asked. What happened? Why is he crying like he was carrying the world?

“Tell me what happened.”

“I got...” He added, “I got suspended from school...” he burst down into tears as he sat down on the sofa. “I don’t want to do this alone,” he said. “You have me... for the meantime,” Fizielyka said. “And your mom...” She added. “You still have your last wish, Marcus,” she said.

“Yeah? Good thing, because I’m torn between my dad’s business and me being suspended,” he said sarcastically to her “Hey, don’t give that tone! You have your options, Marcus,” she assured. “What? Do you think that being torn between those is easy to be decided on what should be my last wish? You don’t have any idea what’s going inside my mind, right now!” he shouted “You need to choose. Choose your best shot, you are just suspended for three days, think of it,” Fizielyka rolled her eyes as she said those words to him.

“But I don’t want to disappoint him again, what if some of my friends set me down on him?” he asked. “Marcus, I—”

“No... I need some time to think,” he said.

A lightning-struck out on his window as a raindrop kept falling down, she turned her head away and looked out his window, where it had gotten dark and shiny with the lights glistening off the rain. Meanwhile, the rain came steady and cold against the windshield and rattled on the roof of his house.

His eyes were prickling with tears and his face is clouded with a mixture of disapproval and disappointment.

“I’ve already decided, Fizielyka,” he sighed deeply. “Are you sure?” She asked. What would he choose? Himself or his dad’s business? What would it be? “I don’t want to lose them both but I have to make a decision,” he said. “Yes, Marcus. You can’t have the two of them, because in life it’s possible that you will have two or more options but you can’t get what you want always,” she calmly said.

“I want to save my father’s business. I want to take back what we deserve,” he confidently said. What about him? Why was he so selfless? Why was he so hard on himself?

Fizielyka got so worried about the decision of Marcus, even though he only got suspended for three days. They didn’t have any idea how his father would react. However, Fizielyka performed her chants along with her pixie dust just to save Marcus’ father’s business from bankruptcy. The clock was ticking, and, at any time, she would have to return to their world, but she was still worried about Marcus and what face he would show when his father found out.

A few hours later, his father returned to their home. He happily met his wife and son Marcus who later calmed down when he heard the news from his father that they had found another potential supplier and he was a friend of his father when they were still in college, so it was just too much, and Marcus was thrilled to know that. He looked at Fizielyka and she gave him a gentle smile, but Fizielyka’s face showed concern for her person Marcus. On the other hand, Fizielyka also felt happy because she was one of the reasons why they would be together again to celebrate Christmas.

Marcus first left his father and mother talking in the kitchen and first stopped in his room to see Fizielyka. He caught her peeking out the window and watching the rainfall.

"Thank you, I'll admit at first I really wanted to thrash you with my hand, but I just felt like I was comfortable with you," he added, “Maybe God has a reason why I‘m the person you chose. It's a pity because I didn't have a wish for myself but that doesn't mean I'm not happy, it's enough for me that we'll be together this Christmas after all these years, and I will never forget it especially you, Fizielyka. You made the impossible things possible in my life,” he said.

“People like you who always put themselves first, just deserve to be given grace. At first, I really had no interest in going to this world but I remembered that I would do it for my family so I put aside my personal interest and thank you because you became a part of it. Because we have the same desire this Christmas,” she said.

The time had come for Fizielyka to say goodbye to Marcus. Fizielyka didn't want to waste any more time to see her family while carrying the news that she succeeded in her mission in the world of earthlings.

“Goodbye and thank you, Fizielyka. You fell from the sky in my life,” Marcus said, while Fizielyka smiled and wave her hands.

“MARCUS, YOUR MOTHER!” Fizielyka was about to leave when she suddenly heard Marcus’ father’s cry. They hurried to the kitchen and found Marcus’ mother unconscious in her father’s arm.

Marcus quickly helped his father to get his mother in the car, Fizielyka followed them and when they arrived at the hospital his mother was immediately rushed to the emergency room. A few minutes later, the doctor also came out.

“The patient inside is seriously ill and needs to be operated on immediately, but in the operation we will perform, she only has a 50/50 chance of surviving. I am truly sorry,” the doctor announced. “Do everything you can, we don't have a problem with money, just save the life of my wife. I can't stand if I lose her for a second time,” Marcus father’s said.

Marcus became emotional with what he found out because just now they were together again and then, something bad happened to his mother. He also became so desperate to ask for another request from Fizielyka, but Fizielyka also repeatedly refused him.

"It's not good, Marcus!" she shouted.

"Something bad will happen to you when you exceed three wishes, do you understand me?!" she added and flew away from Marcus, but he was still chasing her. “I don’t care what happens to me, my mom is more important!” he shouted repeatedly.

“But no mother wants to see their child suffer because of them, Marcus. I hope you learn to put yourself first, you can't let yourself always be the second choice,” she sighed.

The signal that Fizielyka had been waiting for has arrived, her bracelet shone, and she needed to return to their world because at any moment the portal she would enter would open.

“I need to leave, Marcus,” she said hesitantly. “Please, even if there is a replacement. I just really love my mom so much and I will do everything for her,” he desperately said. “I swear to our God, it will be your unlucky wish this year,” she said.

Fizielyka wondered if she would do the chant, but she tried to put herself in Marcus' position, and she thought that this was also what she would do if something bad happened to her mother. She couldn't think straight anymore because she didn't know if she was going to do it right, she was having a hard time but she was running out of time, and she needed to decide right away.

“Please, I want my mother's surgery to be successful,” he whispered, pleading her.

“I’m sorry, Marcus. Thank you and goodbye,” Fizielyka flocked her wings away from Marcus. The portal that Fizielyka would enter had opened when she suddenly stopped.

“Manifesting, wishes are coming

Ain’t playing, just loving

Sorrows are leaving

In their soul that’s living

Do the sparkle, stop the beating

Fizielyka’s dust will swing!” She saw that the hole in the portal was shrinking, and it was about to close so she does everything she could to speed up the chanting. “I’m truly sorry, Marcus but you asked for it,” she said as she blew the pixie dust out of her wings and successfully entered the portal.

Christmas Eve

12:15 am, Fairaniahn World

Fizielyka was happy to return to their world and she could see in her mother's eyes how happy she was with what her daughter had accomplished.

“Happy birthday, darling. I love you,” her mother said and give her a warm tight hug.

Christmas Eve

1:00 am, Human World

Marcus was very grateful that his mother's operation was successful. They happily celebrated Christmas at the hospital together, but after his mother came out, he felt something strange in his throat, so he ran to the comfort room of the hospital.

As he approached the sink a lot of pixie dust came out of his mouth as if he was vomiting them. He remembered what Fizielyka had told him, he didn't expect that she would give him even a chance to have a fourth wish.

Since that happened, when the time strikes at exactly midnight on Christmas Eve, he would be vomiting pixie dust and it was also having a bad effect on his body because it would hurt his throat when he continuously vomits them. Unluckily wish, indeed.

Published by: Imbat, Aliyah Margareth C.
Date Publised: November 29, 2021
Time Published: 8:20 PM