Thursday, December 2, 2021

LITERARY: "Ashes on Honeymoon" by: Alesana Hailey Olivarez

Category: Prose

Theme: Love, Death

Synopsis: Two lovers celebrate their honeymoon but little did they know, a timed bomb was planted somewhere inside their town.

Two lovers were living in a quaint town. They were about to have their honeymoon after many anticipated years of being together. However, the town was in grave danger. A time bomb was planted somewhere inside their town. Near the date of their honeymoon, the bomb went off. The town was thrown into chaos as people flee, and left behind a flaming homeland. Meanwhile, the people had evacuated to somewhere safe. Flames had engulfed the houses reflecting onto the sky with the color of the wine. The man had deeply loved his wife, and as the bomb went off, she might’ve died along with it. Unable to leave his love, he danced once more with her surrounded by the ruined town on a golden platform. He imagined her smile, sweet as honey, and the two young lovers danced one last time to the music within their heads. The man planted one last kiss on the wife's cold lips as they descended into the flames.

Published by: Ysabella Charis Vaila 

Date published: December 2, 2021

Time published: 10:41 am

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