Monday, December 6, 2021

LITERARY: "Figure 8" by Daniel Garcia

Category: Poetry

Theme: Depression

Synopsis: A person who fell into an abyss and couldn't escape. And after being stuck for years, he/she accepted his/her fate to be swallowed by it.


Once again—

I fell into an abyss.

I couldn't see anything,

I couldn't grab onto anything.

I cried for help,

But no one came,

No one did.

Tears fell relentlessly and my soul died,

When I realized there was no way out.


It's been years since I fell,

But I'm nowhere near the end of the abyss.

Yet again, tears started to fall.

While I reminisced about my life before—

Where life was all sunshine and no rain.


I cried over and over,

Till blood came out of my eyes.

I couldn't see light anymore.

I was blinded by the abyss,

My hope was swallowed by the abyss.

I had been eaten completely.

Now, I bid farewell to the rainbows and sunshine.


Published by: Lloyd Agbulos

Date published: December 06, 2021

Time published: 4:25 PM

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