Friday, December 3, 2021

LITERARY: Holiday By: Juzmine Rein R. Iguid


Classification: Poetry

Theme: Christmas

Sypnosis: A cheerful woman composed a piece for her favorite forthcoming holiday, Christmas. The thought reveals details as she speaks about the moment.

Hooray! It's already the holidays!

The season we've all been waiting for,

The season we've all been longing for,

Oh, what a season!—It is really something to adore!

Lights and gifts are scattered around,

The cold breeze of the wind that surrounds,

Bringing us laughter,

And also keeping all of us together!

How the days have gone by so fast,

At last, it's already Christmas!

Celebrating these wonderful holidays with you,

It never gets old; the feelings are always brand new.

Published by: Keith Alphonsus A. Ambuya

Date published:December 03,2021

Time published:1:15 PM

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