Friday, December 3, 2021

LITERARY: "Me Before You" by Juliana Agbulos

Classification: Poetry

Theme: Love

Synopsis: Some things will be forever indifferent to her, or so she thought.

I witnessed the amber glow at dusk,

And the silvery orb in the shiny heavens;

But neither was exquisite enough to astonish me.

Movies were just movies,

And plane tickets were merely plane tickets.

The oceans that stretched away to the distant horizon,

And the moon, which went through all its phases—

Were frivolous to me.

Until I wandered into a throng of people,

And those hazel brown eyes found me.

Little did I know that those would tame the invisible wind,

And make the bluebirds sing.

One night,

When I gazed upon the sky,

I saw a hasty flash of light and whispered a silent wish in an instant.

It would cost me nothing, wouldn't it?

To wish for those eyes to never stop telling stories?

For those eyes to remain an ocean of wonder?

And for those eyes to remain the warmth of a perpetual hearth?

I just hoped it would.

Published by: Lloyd Agbulos

Date published: December 03, 2021

Time published: 10:49 AM

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