Friday, December 3, 2021

LITERARY: Real Deal by Dane Navarro


Category: Poetry

Theme: Gratitude

Synopsis: She was trapped in shame as a result of a never-ending losing streak. Unexpectedly, four people appeared in her life to alter her perspective.

A lady opened the door of her world, 

embracing all the shame and delusions. 

Toing and froing in the day;

breaking down in the dark.

She was down in the dumps.

Had a bundle of nerves to get out—

of her four corners of misery. 

An opportunity knocked multiple times, 

but all she could hear—

were the whispers of remorse. 

The shine of hope; the beam of light—

Four pillars came in, and without notice,

the sparkle in her eyes turned visible.

The curve on her lips—

became a parabola facing the Y positive.

An opportunity knocked once more;

a full blast of tremors slowly filled her sanity.

Sage advice came from Einstein and the bee;

Words of wisdom echoed in her soul.

The four corners of misery collapsed—

It was replaced by the pillars.

Hat tip to them; her current dose of ecstasy—

the foundation of her being.

The incompetent and helpless woman—

grew into a happy camper on cloud nine.

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