Friday, December 10, 2021

LITERARY: "The Nutcracker Part 2" by: Ley Anne Caringal

Classification: Prose
Theme: Christmas, Fantasy 
Synopsis: After Emma agrees on bringing the nutcracker home, Andy and Emma woke up on a snowy forest with a boy they had never seen before.
Where are we? 

“Andy?” I mumbled.  

Ah, my head hurts! I may have slept on the floor! 

But it was cold? Kind of rough... but soft too?  

“Emma!”  My eyes widened. Shoot! I got up and looked around. Um? Where are we? This is not our house and obviously not Andy’s bedroom.  

I ran fast and hugged her. “Andy! You’re safe! Where’s the nutcracker?”  

“I don’t know, Emma.” She pouted. “It’s gone.” 

“Wait here. I’ll find it,” I said. 

“No, stay here.” 

“Why?” I looked at her. She was looking behind me. I looked back and it was a young boy. Looking at him, I think he’s the same age as Andy.  

“I’m Ivan! The nutcracker!” He spoke. He showed us his clothes and it look exactly like the nutcracker back home.  

“Where are we?” I asked. 

“Is this your home?” Andy squealed.
“No, not yet. But it’s close! Look!” He pointed somewhere... high... 

Staircase. Great. 

“Let’s go!” Andy ran.  

“Andy! Wait for me!” It was hard to run. I am barefoot plus it’s snowing! 

“Don’t run! We can reach our destination easily without running!” The nutcracker said. Andy stopped so did I.  

And I must say; It is freezing.  

“Okay first of all, where are we?” I asked.  

Andy hold my hand as we walk nearer the boy.  

“The Celestial!” He answered happily.  

“What’s your name?” Andy asked cutely. 

“Ivan,” he smiled.  

Ivan... Familiar name. 

“Okay, Ivan! How can we go up there?” Andy asked. She let go of my hand and stand beside Ivan.  

They kind of look alike.  

“Hey!” Ivan said then whistled. Not a moment later, something was flying up in the sky. 
“Unicorn!” Andy said.  

Ivan laughed. “Pegacorn, to be exact. Now hop in! We don’t have enough time!”  

Enough time?  

I shook my head. I went to the white pegacorn. Andy chose pink while Ivan chose blue.  
“Let’s go!”  

That. Was. The. Worst. Experience. Of. My. Life.  

“That was fun!” Andy jumped down the pegacorn.  

“No...” I faintly said. 
“Let’s do it again!” Andy said. “Wow look at the view!” 

I heard Ivan chuckled. “I don’t think that’s possible.” 

I looked at him but he was looking at the view, too.  

“Let’s go?” He asked then flashed a smile. Andy nodded happily. I shrugged and followed them.  

“Where are we?” I asked. 

“Pearly gates,” Ivan answered pointing up where the sign is visible.  

I was about to asked something but Ivan stopped us from walking.  

“We are here.” 

“Where?” Confusion was seen on Andy’s face.  

“My home,” Ivan smiled.  

“Won’t you let us in?” I asked. We are only standing outside the door.
“No... It’s not your time yet.” He answered.
“What do you mean?” Andy asked.  

“Thank you for accompanying me.” 

That was the last thing we heard before me and Andy woke up in Andy’s bed.  

“Good morning, ladies.” Mom said while cooking our breakfast.  

“Good morning,” we said in unison.  

“How was your sleep?” Mom smiled.  

“Weird,” I answered. 

“Why?” Dad said while walking towards us.  

“Just weird...”  

“Eat fast, we have somewhere to go to,” Dad smiled as we eat happily.  

We arrived at a kid's cemetery.  

We walked towards the one that had a toy in it. As we went closer, the toy was familiar. 
“Nutcracker!” Andy squealed.  

“I didn’t know you like nutcracker,” Dad said to Andy. 

“Huh? You gave us a nutcracker last night, Dad. Just like this,” I pointed at the nutcracker.  

“I... did? Hm, I must be tired last night that I don’t remember.”  

“Why are we here?” I asked.  

“Don’t be like that, Emma. Later is Christmas Eve, we should visit your brother.”  

My brother? 

I looked at the tomb and read what was written.  

Here lies baby Ivan. You will not be forgotten. 

Dec 2**** - December 10 **** 

The same birthday as Andy... That’s why they look alike. 

Did I really forget?  

“Let’s go,” Dad said. Andy followed that while holding the nutcracker.  

“Emma.” A voice said. I looked around and saw a unicorn near the big tree with a boy that exactly looked like Ivan.  

He smiled and wave. Then he starts to vanished.  

I pinched myself to see if I was hallucinating but I wasn’t.  

“Emma! Let’s go!” 

I looked at the sky and smiled.  

You will never be forgotten. 

Celestial/ Pearly gates – other words for Heaven gate.  
Pegacorn- a creature that is half pegasus (a horse with wings) and half unicorn

Published by: Kim Ashley Masagca
Date published: December 10, 2021
Time published: 5:34pm

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