Tuesday, January 25, 2022

LITERARY: "Cake" by: Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Category: Prose

Theme: Food made from human beings.

Synopsis: There was once an old man who would kidnap children to cook different types of food. To satisfy his cravings, he cooks little children to his preferable class. One day, he decided to bake himself a cake. He then met a little girl, who shall be his next victim.

TW: kidnapping, murder


A little girl was offered a cake by an old man to come with him. Without thinking, the little girl decided to go with the man with no hesitation. The old man was no other but a stranger to the little girl—yet she chose to go with him.

As soon as they went inside a queer-looking place, the doors got locked, and the blinds were closed. Judging from the situation, this brought the little girl to shivers.

The old man gave her the cake as promised. As the little girl took a bite from the cake, her face became pale, causing her to spit out the cake. The moment she bit the cake, she tasted something similar to blood.

The old man watched her at the back, letting out a frightening smile.

As she turned around, she noticed the old man holding a knife, saying, "I'm going to turn you into one of my delicious cakes—like what I did to other children."

This made the little girl shed tears. She shouldn't have trusted the man. Her destiny was already decided, her death was soon to arrive.
The old man dragged her by pulling her throat to the kitchen. She slammed her to the table, raising a gigantic knife.

The little girl screamed in terror, while the old man was enjoying himself—slicing her body.
As blood splashes, he laughed frenetically. He used the little girl's head as the topping for the top of the cake, and her blood as the icing. As for her organs, he added them inside the cake. Not a single part of hers was saved, nor thrown. Concisely, the whole girl was inside the cake, about to be baked.

You could call him a talented baker, but knowing the ingredients will surely make you stunned, more likely to be terrified.

After the old man's merry moment of slicing the little girl, he puts her inside the oven. He soon served him to the table, getting his fork excitedly. "Bon Appétit," he said joyfully.
Sometime later, he finished his flavorsome cake. He rested, preparing to get his next victim.

Published by: Aliyah Margareth C. Imbat
Date Published: January 25, 2022 
Time Published: 12:37 PM

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