Monday, January 10, 2022

LITERARY: “A Change of Tides for Dean" by: Ysabelle Calalang

Classification: Literary

Theme: Changing, self-growth

Synopsis: The youngest of the Kazayuki siblings was in a flux of confusion and conflict about whether or not he should let down some of his walls further. But, there is a first time for everything, isn't there?


Everyone that knows Dean Kazayuki is well aware that he's not the type of person that shows much emotions. Most of the time, he has a pokerface and doesn't react much, even if it's quite chaotic or emotional. Whether it's a dire situation or not, Dean has always remained calm and rational. There are the rare occasions you'll catch a glimpse of a small smile, or even faintly hear soft chuckling. That's how he was.

Some people describe him as cold, blunt, emotionless; in a way, they aren't wrong. He was cold and blunt, and he can be emotionless. But that doesn't mean he always is. He has emotions and feelings. He just wasn't the type of person to wear them on his sleeve. However, recently, it seems he's been allowing more small smiles; his soft chuckling can be heard from time to time now.

It's eldritch. But he can't say he dislikes it. He's grown fond of his chaotic and noisy schoolmates, his dormmates. Fond enough to the point he's able to let down his walls a little. Not much, but for him, it's a lot. When he does smile, he tends to hide it or it quickly falters once he realizes someone noticed. He's become..warmer.

He rarely cooks or bakes, but for the past week or so, he's been in the kitchen. It's very peculiar for the youngest of the Kazayuki siblings. He's been humming out loud often now; he's been trying to stop, but he has his moments that he doesn't even realize he's doing it. And recently, he's been hanging downstairs instead of being holed up in his room or in the engineering area.

Even Isa, one his very few close friends, has mentioned it in past conversations, she said it with such a bright smile; a knowing gleam in her eyes that gave him some annoyance, though he knew she meant well. Dean's mind is currently in a flux now. He's a tad bit confused. Should he stop or continue? Will he really be able to put down more of his walls and let others in? Let them get to know him better?

"Hm. I suppose there's a first time for everything," Dean mused to himself, his lips twitching up slightly as he shook his head.


Published by: Heather Pasicolan

Time published: 2:58 pm

Date published: January 10, 2022

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