Monday, January 10, 2022

LITERARY: Bad Influence by Aaliyah Van T. Pineda

Classification: Prose

Theme: Influence

Synopsis: Edmund was tired of dealing with the personality and attitude of his little sister. But even in himself, he knew the true reason why she was the way that she was.

"Good morning, Mother." I greeted my mother as I walked into the living room. She looked at me and spoke, "Good morning Edmund, had a good night?" To which I nodded with a smile. Our conversation was going smoothly until..."DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO FOLLOW ORDERS, YOU FILTHY SERVANT?! ARE YOU DEAF OR JUST SO UTTERLY STUPID?!" We heard my little 18-year-old sister, Autumn, yell at one of our maids. My mother and I looked back and saw our maid scrambling to get the items on the ground as my sister continued to yell at her.

My mother shook her head as she deeply sighed while I rushed over to the maid and helped her up. After she left, my mother and I looked at Autumn with annoyed expressions. 

"Autumn, what did I say about yelling at our servants?!" our mother scolded. Autumn rolled her eyes and protested. "It's not my fault, Mother! If those low-lives just knew how to do their jobs, then they wouldn't be yelled at in the first place! How about you get us some new servants that know how to abide by orders!"

"How many times must we tell you this, Autumn?!" I spoke. "Trying to find a new set of people that will work for us isn't as easy as it seems! And no matter who we hire, you are never satisfied!" I continued. Autumn growled and snapped, "Well, then I suggest you find someone who WILL satisfy me!" Before stomping out of the living room. "What will I do with that girl Edmund...?" My mother sighed. As I said earlier, my sister was 18-years-old, and I was a grown 23-year-old man who has to deal with her issues because I was her brother. Our mother was very tired of disciplining her when she never even listened to a word we say.

Autumn acted like a spoiled princess, but truthfully she was one. My family was royals, and I was 11th in line to the throne, and my mother was 10th. My sister's attitude was shameful behavior for a princess such as herself. She's arrogant and thinks that she's better than anyone.

Thank the Lord that she wasn't in line for the throne. Autumn had this condition where she couldn't get pregnant, so she had no succession because once it was her turn to rule, she wouldn't be able to produce an heir to spread their reign after her. Despite this flaw, my sister was gifted with talent. She was that golden girl every one of us can imagine.

I was not ashamed of my sister, but she wasn't always like this. Ever since our father died eight years ago, it completely changed her behaviour. Before our father died, he was a terrible and despicable man. He was from a different royal house, but he was very close to my sister. My mother was frequently very busy at work so, I would accompany her. And Autumn was left with our father. And that was when it all started. Our father turned my sister into what she was today. Father was very arrogant and close-minded. His mindset was that commoners were bugs monarchs should step on. He believed that one princess was better than the others, namely his daughter. Father soaked in my sister's brain that she was better than anyone and spilt out his beliefs of how commoners are "filthy peasants".

He started teaching Autumn all the wrong things, which easily influenced my sister's mind. She was just a young girl at that time, so she didn't know any better. Our mother couldn't be there because she was always away because of her duties. Mother found out what her husband was teaching their daughter when she noticed how Autumn was behaving all the time. Father argued that he was only teaching Autumn that she holds more authority than most people and that commoners should know their place. They argued over this, but needless to say, there wasn't anything my mother could do because she couldn't be there to teach Autumn good morals.

Autumn loved our father very much, so she thought every word that came out of his mouth was right. After he died, Autumn was devastated. She promised to abide by everything our father had taught her, no matter what. Autumn didn't know what others felt and had no morals whatsoever. She treated our mother and me poorly and thought she was on top of everyone. Mother and I failed many times to discipline her. And now that she was an adult, we were worried about her future. As her big brother, I wanted nothing more than what was best for Autumn, but she had to play her part as well. She would achieve nothing with a personality like this. She needed to learn that our father was no saint and everything he taught her was far from right.

I wish she would JUST listen to us and become a decent person. But no, at a young age, her mind was heavily influenced, and it stayed that way. I still have hope that she would change, but hope was our limit.

Published by: Renz Mar M. Mangana

Date published: January 10 2022

Time published: 10:57 PM

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