Monday, January 24, 2022

LITERARY: "The Darkness Within" by Lloyd Agbulos

Classification: Poetry

Theme: Hope

Synopsis: Be patient for there is always starlight after the clouds.

I was once lost in a tunnel—

Where the echoes of yesterday kept chasing me;

Like how the deep and dark ocean drowned me.

I restlessly opened my windows,

And tried to seek some stars;

But they chose to hide.

As I almost gave up searching for a way out,

I remembered how I rose when the storm knocked me down.

I was tested by the roaring sea—

Yet my soul was still invincible.

It took me years to finally realize that it was a gift;

A gift that made me perceive things even in a fallacious light;

And a gift that made me explore the shadows at night.

At last, I found the flambeau at the end of this tenebrous tunnel.

Published by: Lloyd Agbulos 

Date published: January 24, 2022

Time published: 11:14 AM

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